Haitian Earthquake, free transaction with Credit card

Human Tragedy that happened in human haitian of organization trigger exploits practicability of credit card facility. Donation used credit card is socialized pass by situs internet and hotline.

Like borrowed ideas from daily laman The Huffington Post, 15 Januaries 2010, with such donation procedure, credit card companies actually can dredge up profit [of] many of transaction expense uses credit card. Nevertheless, a number of credit card companies select impose any expense for the usage of credit card for disaster donation.

Today, Visa and American Express announces will free transaction expense to contribute from users Credit card. Visa will apply free policy expense is referred [as] till February, whereas American Express applies that expense iiberation starts 12 Januaries till final February.

Richard Walden, CEO organization non government Operation USA, tell that bank and credit card company gave free credit card expense for the sake of donation when happened tsunami at 2004. "After tsunami, there is thousands of donation pass by our party, and American Express is company that temporarily free expense. Thus we will try in order to banks will this can free next expense for us with earthquake disaster in haitian," hope Walden.

Bank of Capital One pass by program "No Hassle Giving Site", they free transaction expense for card owner Visa or MasterCard, until 100 contribution percents from donor step into charity that selected card owner. If transaction expense is not freed, only 80 percentage of donor contribution that step into charity.

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