he Cup Of Tears (2010) - Samurai SciFi from director Gary Shore

he Cup Of Tears (2010)
Samurai SciFi from director Gary Shore

Produced by : One Punch Film
Written, Directed by : Gary Shore


Join element film2 samurai Akira Kurosawa with elementary body of science fiction story and tilled with similar technique that used [by] in films 'Casshern', 'Goemon' and '300', 'The Cup Of Tears' mengisahkan about a geisha that make cup that made of tears. Any person who drinks from cup it would be sway dream eternal.

A/an night that cup is stolen, sehinga trigger [of] various of occurences that can generate civil war among klan. Taro, expert samurai and rekananannya, Genie, go cup searching are referred [as] and also searching who can draws anathema from that cup.

Behind The Scene

- Shooting film is conducted in Slovenia and studio in Ireland, use MERAH camera.

- The stage manager, Gary Shore develops its idea since still in course bench.

- Since pass in 2006, Shore has tilled various of advertisement films for EMI, Warner Brothers. FM 104, Vogue, Nokia and other.


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