
petersteven in tintin

An adaptation of the comic story by Belgian Hergé (aka George Remy). Tintin film-making status is still in pre-production stage. Tintin himself is still not determined who the players. When the news before the names of Kirsten Myburgh or Conor MacNeill going to fill the sound of Tintin, Thomas Sangster gossip now (Love Actually, Nanny McPhee) dicasting for that role. While the role of Captain Haddock would have long set was played by Andy Serkis, who previously worked with Jackson in the LOTR trilogy and King Kong .-

If you had had rumored that this film will be made into a movie sequel, with Jackson as its first director, and Spielberg as The second film-developing news now that this movie is planned to be a trilogy! The third film will be re-held by Jackson. The first film scheduled for release in 2009, the second film in 2010, and the third film in 2011 (imdb.com) .-

The film will use the 3D animation motion capture technology, such as Gollum in LOTR. Because of Hergé's comic style is so strong, so Spielberg and Jackson have agreed to maintain the styles. 'We want Tintin's adventures to have reality as a live-action movie, but Peter and I felt this movie with live action form will not meghormati unique characters and world that have been created by Hergé,' Spielberg says. "Hergé's characters will be reborn as living beings, have emotions and spirit far beyond the animated characters that there are now computers. '-

So imagine Tintin by Hergé his style, but it looks realistic. Her skin was like real human skin, clothes to have the details down to the fibers of ... something like Gollum deh!

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