Facebook Start Scrimp ?

Facebook Start Scrimp ?

Facebook plan to rewrite PHP for mentransform code PHP dynamic to adds performance in server web Facebook without having to adds next hardware. Technician situs Facebook has launched HipHop, that will make code PHP dynamic with C++ static, later, meng-compile-nya by using compiler GNU C++, namely g++. Change is referred [as] has been made in community Facebook below/under license PHP.

Meanwhile Facebook launches HipHop, nevertheless in fact HipHop has walked in thousands of server Facebook for 6 month last, with 90 percentage of every trafik situs referred [as] now walk in PHP that have been transformed. Facebook claim that HipHop are referred [as] will lessen the usage of CPU of addition server till 50 percents, irrespective transformation PHP to HipHop.
Meanwhile manager program Facebook, David Recordon, tell that transformation PHP are referred [as] will also economize company biaya until company can arrange existing server, at the same time add trafik its service. “We can enlarge this situs with active bertambahnya user and page view from existing hardware without having to will buy next server.” add Recordon

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