Microsoft enhances Facebook and MySpace in Inbox Outlook

Microsoft enhances Facebook and MySpace in Inbox Outlook

Microsoft already launch software Outlook Social Connector beta version that will become indication how sosial jejaring will enter not only to online world, nevertheless also software enterprise. Software Outlook Social Connector, is a new feature in Office 2010, that alli update sosial jejaring into software business function. With Outlook Social Connector, user can mellihat an email message and activity sosial jejaring from consignor in common in window panel in common. For this time, Outlook Social Connector are will never used for posting update returns to LinkedIn or sosial situs jejaring other direct from inbox Outlook.

After announced its compromy was with LinkedIn last november, Microsoft, Tuesday (16/02) last tell that agreement with LinkedIn will equal to Facebook and MySpace. Meanwhile software Office 2010 still in beta version and Microsoft berencana to finish it in June. Whereas for plug-in Facebook and MySpace in Outlook Social Connector will attend at the same time with timing Office 2010.

Microsoft explains, for partnership LinkedIn, it's that become add-on first for Outlook Social Connector, that facilitate user to access account LinkedIn they and see profile contact beside their email. In other hand, contact information and network altogether will be synchronized to inbox user. Developer can develop connection to feed jejaring third party social uses Outlook Social Connector SDK

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