Google Buzz imitate Yahoo

Google Buzz imitate Yahoo

Greeting to Google Buzz are pertained hilarious in internet even such service actually not new matter. Yahoo! even had provided similar feature in its email service since 1,5 year(s) ago.

"Matter like that already can be 1,5 year since Yahoo first time launch Yahoo Updates, conducive social feature people share ststus, conten, and online activity, and remain to be linked with the being done friend and its relatives in Yahoo and also other web," during Yahoo statement answer to Google existance Buzz like forwarded PC World.

One of component in Yahoo Updates are called Yahoo Buzz, service update information update and story that start available since November 2008. This Service provides feature bari Yahoo user!Mail to share photo, alter status, write story, or review goods or service.

Even whose name is plagiarized Google, Yahoo not merespon when asked what/wheter will sue that. On the contrary, Yahoo oppositely/also see that advantage for him[s because can jack up its service that now has braided compromy with 200 online services either its property or not like Flickr, Twitter, and Yelp.

So, how end of story of feature website competition this social? Yahoo more and more recognized or run over Google? Or oppositely/also both sink among popularity Facebook and Twitter?

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