Microsoft answer toes chilled Google existance Buzz
Microsoft answer toes chilled Google existance Buzz
Google Existance Buzz, service new social website that countersinked Google at service Gmail starts Tuesday (9/2/2010) get cool comments from Microsoft the competitor. According to Microsoft, what conducted Google not better from that service of a kind that already in advance is avaliable at Hotmail.
"One who bussy not butuh service new social website. That they wishing is freshment mengagregasi. We already conduct it," Dharmesh Mehta, director of product management Windows Live in its statement that dirilis eWeek, Tuesday (9/2/2010).
He/she tells service Hotmail was from Microsoft already since 2008 provided jejaring social pass by model agregasi. User Hotmail can activate feed for various of services that have been owned from Microsoft compromy with Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and 75 other partners.
Google not only conduct same thing by provide import from Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, and Picasa, nevertheless provide new menu have the shape of message update. In other hand, Google also hook;correlate it with Google service Maps until between user can share messaging location.
In the last few years, service jejaring social [it is true] grow phenomenal. Jejaring information that very overflowed and update-tar all the times from service [of] a kind of Facebook and Twitter becomes Yahoo wanted, Microsoft, and Google. They race-race can access information source is referred [as] to enrich its service, improve customer satisfaction, and finally draw advertiser as [the] its business source.