14 Bladeses movie 1020

14 Bladeses movie 1020
Cast: Donnie Yen, Vicky Zhao, Wu Zhun, Kate Tsui
Director: Daniel Lee
Release Date: January 2010.
Fight Actor Donnie Yen returns play the part of warrior character in film newest martial arts, 14 Bladeses. Donnie Yen will play the part of guard Kaisar also espionage agent called Green Dragon. Dikisahkan dynasty Ming (1368-1644) is experiencing of coup d'etat. Chinese Emperor haves a group of secret elite called Jinyiwei that use method 14 Bladeses in running secret mission. Intention from 14 Bladeses this is the knife amount as used in run murder mission. Eight knives to torture victim, five knives to kill and 1 last knife were for suicide mission when fail.
When Kaisar Chinese betrayed [in] one criminal eunuch called Jia Jingzhong that take over palace, Hijau Dragon tries collect people that still devoted at Kaisar by steal devoted people list at Kaisar. Unlucky its, Hijau Dragon are snared and become first one fugitive in dynasty Ming. Hijau Dragon then run away to desert field and make friends with beautiful a woman called Qiao Hua.
Besides Donnie Yen, Chinese beautiful actress, Zhao Wei and young actor woman sweetheart, Wu Zhun also follows enliven this film. Zhao Wei play the part ofs Qiao Hua, love interest Donnie Yen. This is the Zhao Wei second collaboration with Donnie Yen after film Painted Skin production in 2008. Besides name 3 main casts above, Kate Tsui beautiful actress also follows enliven by personate a hit man.
Unique its this film is also stared a number of actor of self-defence veterans distinguish for like Chen Kuan-tai (The Flying Guillotine), Wu Ma (The Dead and The Deadly), Sammo Hung (Martial Law), Xu Xiang-dong (Wing Chun), Chen Zhi-hua (Ip Man) and Damian Lau (Duel to the Death).
Chen Kuan-tai, one of the star Kungfu are recognized Shaw Brothers era in 1970s will play the part of enemy Donnie Yen. Election Chen Kuan-tai is spelled out members precise remember Chen Kuan-tai ever plays two films entitle The Flying Guillotine that its plot look like 14 Bladeses. Film 14 Blades disutradarai Daniel Lees and will dirilis on January next year to greet Chinese New year.