Facebook Redesain Homepage

Facebook has started release design new homepage to small number of user, and will continue develop it to larger ones scale in [the] future. Facebook new Design is referred [as] have previous navigation element [in] menu “Applications” and returned to left sidebar page.
Design new Facebook also haves improvisasi user interface, like ability send direct message from homepage use a window pop-up, than must use a page that disjointed. In other hand, also there is improvisasi in part search, where bigger and fairish search box and located more to middle of page.
In filter-section News Feed and friend list also have been eliminated. Meanwhile Live Feed and News Feed also have been turned into part News Feed now, with live update below/under tab “Most Recent” and Highlights below/under “Top News”. Design Facebook is referred [as] actually not so surprise, because of Facebook has tested design variation is referred [as] previously.