Facebook not want to again installs Banner Iklan Microsoft

Facebook now has drew all controls advertisement display sosial situs jejaring popular No.1 is referred [as], after [his] side agree with Microsoft Corp to arrange business part Facebook is referred [as]. Nevertheless, Microsoft as [the] provider exclusive web search in Facebook, will continue sale of seeking advertisement bases on text in website Facebook as partner that has been stringed up till 2011. Facebook refuses tell when its second deal will end.
Microsoft also expresses will integrate search engine Bing its property to Facebook, at the same time extend popularity Bing in United States. Meanwhile Facebook that now have 400 million users, tell that its advertisement feature by it self has mentioned interactive aspect and can reach viewer bases their personal information, make balmy user with sosial network service referred [as] than banner standar advertisement from Microsoft.
After talk to Microsoft, Facebook already in favor of stop run banner advertisement in all the page Facebook and stop present Microsoft advertisement in international market. This Change will be conducted in range of time 30 day. Mouthpiece Facebook will not provide detail what/wheter deal advertisement with Microsoft will give sharing revenue or Facebook of Microsoft payee fee for agreement referred [as].