Facebook sixth anniversary, Facebook launch new feature

Facebook sixth anniversary Party is celebrated Facebook by launch some new features and design new homepage. Feature just is referred as entered a facia Photo that facilitate user for browsing new photo of all friend in one page, and a Chat with Friends that can present friend user that can be invited chat. Company that base on in California is referred also repair side privacy in facia Applications.
Meanwhile other feature that provided by sosial situs jejaring referred [as] already direlokasikan, and user can learn new menavigasikan interface. Other Change,d nature tab Notifications that presented when time user memposting status in wall, accept friend request and application update, also already direlokasikan from the aspect of right under page to part left to the. Two other tabs, in angle;corner in common, can present when user have friend request, suggested friends or new message.
Termasuik other Change in Applications that has been moved from bar menu under to left side homepage, [together/ along] with tab event, access game, and facility Marketplace. Feature Applications is updated to facilitate user to see newest friend activity like join lover web . Nevertheless, some users also disappointed kaerna update is referred [as] not dibarengi with safe fasiliats privacy, and finally Facebook also announces new control privacy. User can alter privacy settings to see their activity of friend application.
Meanwhile for facia Photo [in] page left side, equal to facia Friends that facilitate user quickly see new activity its friend. User also will find link Home and Profile in right angle;corner to the [together/ along] with menu Account, that entered privacy settings and logout menu. Facebook by it self still will test some designs different homepage in a few month.