IT is an old plain in life Asia Tengah with many legend and art. If whose name is called, our marrow immediately brought at infinite desert with consecution of camel caravan, gracefullness towers, madrasah-madrasah and mausoleum have the architecture of oriental, sheets beautiful sutra, world class gold embroidery, and view of islam culture in Middle Ages nan eksotik. That's Uzbekistan.
A country that recognized with connective silk band European continent and Asia pass by [the] Chinese since long time. Uzbekistan abuts on Kazakhstan beside North, Kyrgystan beside East, Tajikistan beside North-East, and Turkmenistan and Afghanistan beside south. Its nature Situation consist of two-third desert and flourish desert and rest consist of mountain, dale and plain
Country 447.400 square kilometres this have two weather seasons with difference specific ekstrem continental climate. Its summer longer and seldom rain. Average temperature on July reach 32 degrees Celcius, even in daytime can reach 40 degrees Celcius. Uzbekistan haves short winter with snow flurries that a few/little also.
Uzbekistan [is] also nation multikultur, for example consist of nation Uzbek, Russia, Tajik, Kazakhs, and Tatar. Official language that used [by] is language Uzbek that [in] one clump with language Turki. Nevertheless, some of society its converse also in russia language, as [the] evidence of era ommission Uni soviet. Resident Uzbekistan majority embraces islam Sunny (Hanafi), in other hand there are also pemeluk Christian Orthodoks, Jew, even atheism.
Islam Influence starts step into Uzbekistan at 8th century and leave islam culture, like science branch, religion, and architecture. Some cities are known as cities of islam civilization. Like Samarkand that is center East KINGDOM Leng (Dynasty Ikhan) and Ulugbek.
Mausoleum Imam Bukhari, pentafsir hadist Mohammed SAW, even also reside in Samarkand although he/she borns in Bukhara. Samarkand [is] also capital of first Uzbekistan. Whereas, Bukhara is ex capital of keamiran Bukhara. In other hand city Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva also is centers known as islam civilization band connective sutra Europe and Chinese.
East Leng, one of the big statesman comes [from] Uzbekistan, at the top its power range Mongolia, Mediterranean sea, south russia and India, even finally conquer kemaharajaan Ottoman at the end of 14-th centuries. He/she also becomes spiritual leader and war strategist Uzbekistan that born in 1336 in a period of mongol feather in one's cap. East Leng to make Samarkand, second city biggest in Uzbekistan, become world center.
Previously, Uzbekistan is aliance from three unit of islam empires -- Bukhara, Khiva, and Kokand -- which is on 1860-1870 occupied by Kekaisaran russia. Republic Uzbekistan stands up at 1924. Nevertheless, in May 1925, Uzbekistan dimasukkan becomes one part of the 15 republices dibawah power Uni soviet. Since 31 Augusts 1991 countries with resident [of] 2 million that souls state its independence and sovereignty are separated from Uni soviet till cover a Kara Kaplak otonomous area.
Although 60 moslem percents and islam, so far carrying out of to Islam in Uzbekistan has not yet been circumstantial caused by demarcation to latitudinarian at era Uni soviet. Effort to develop Islam now starts is being seen, for example improvement of mosque development amount that before 1989 only amount to 160 units now become thousands of. In other hand, has been reactified institutions of islam education, like madrasah till founding of islam college in Tashkent.
Uzbekistan that rich in its natural resources this becomes one of eyewitness go ups descent of world civilization. He/she also becomes science center and culture in Asia Tengah. Much evidence of islam civilization feather in one's caps since 14-th centuries and liver deepness at God straggled in country have the gold-mine of biggest in the world of that located in Kyzyl field Kum.
Now, without loss of romantic aura its, Uzbekistan have come toes an areal industry with agricultural development its. Dale Fergana that is a wide oasis that getting the irrigating from canals from watercourse Amudarya and this Syrdarya becomes agriculture center and cotton producer. Combination from kekunoan and modernity that grow together referred [as] try draw arrival turis and bisnisman from all over the world. Not less than four hour air journeys from Moskow [go] to Tashkent, state's capital Uzbekistan, we can reach biggest city in this Asia Tengah.
Ameland is isle in friesian, network archipelago that some of islands–pulaunya are owned the Netherlands, Germany, and Dane, located in offshore north the Netherlands land. Mostly Island consist of this sand dune have land for the width of more or less 60 square kilometres. According to history, before now Ameland is seaman place and fisherman shelter from storm attack. They then stay over there. At century to–18, catch whale is main earnings source resident over there.
Now, its resident that only amount to around 3.500 souls terkonsentrasi in four regions that is Ballum, Buren, Hollum, and Nes. Hollum is eldest region with most at most resident amount, caught up Nes where exists ferry port. Nes is region the most multitude because become business center and often visited turis to get variated suvenir. Ballum, region where airport Ameland are existed, and Buren fourth region that located easternmost and first is farmer region.
In Ameland, old building is fixed defended and taken care of properly. In Hollum for example, there is church that founded in the beginning of century to–12, house–house of ship captain that built at century to–15, and lighthouse that built at century to–18. Ameland is island that has been become accustomed live by and by sea. Government the Netherlands destines this island as one of sample of environment management that relied on password returns to nature, in accordance with natural process that goes on. At coastal area part Pulau Ameland is encircled some natural processes that affected peripatetic sea activity its.
When high tide, Ameland will be locked out of the Netherlands land, but when ebb terendah will laid bare sea floor Wadden that unite Pulau Ameland with the Netherlands land. Only met some just paths that still there is its water so it's enabled passed by by walk. Walked acrossed Sea of Wadden when ebb is a matter of dangerous, but exactly become challenge for the man who wants to conduct it. Distance from ferry port Holwerd in the Netherlands land to Ameland only around nine kilometres.
Old Lighthouse in Hollum that has been taken care of properly and become wisata interesting power. In morphology, south and east Pulau Ameland were relative low until to overcome saltwater when high tide high made dam (dike). This Morphology is compiled by significant that tuanged ebb activity, specially when highest tide. This Part also is area of fauna conservation with existence of kinds of bird and flora at ecosystem of ebb area.
Centre part that is old significant sediment that very stabilize and fairish harsh result of coast sand sediment is exploited as [the] agriculture area and partly for existing perkampungan. In west and north coastal area at this time existed sediment of coast sand that make up dune–sand dune that had height enough so it's can arrest/detain saltwater when high tide.
Whereas northwards, in the middle of sea show in the distance oil exploration well earth owned by one of oil company the Netherlands. Besides oil exploration well, also many met doggish and special fauna sea. Dog–this seal when ebb saltwater in the summer of accompaniment go to coastal area of sand sediment in the middle of north sea.
To speed up growth and sand growth, specially alongside existing coast, conducted tree cultivation–tree that can be functioned catch aeolian sand. That is, sand sediment alongside existing coast will be growing wide and getting higher. This Matter one of effort in management of coastal area environment with password return to nature applied.
Island Ameland is one of target wisata in country the Netherlands, specially related to wisata environment management. Region Ecosystem isle that become main purpose begin at that goes on process, with which vary sediment begin at fine and fairish till harsh (sand) and flora and fauna life at ecosystem referred [as].
In some parts island is also met place to camp, specially in the summer. Place–place for this wisata met can be in all Ameland. And so do facilities and basic facilities to support wisata is referred [as] also at one's fingertips and disseminated at area existing perkampOngan.
Ameland offers peacefulness and calmness. Vacation here really far from hingar–bingar. Very rare motor vehicle mills about on highway, though there is no prohibition order for turis use it. Car Amount can be counted/calculated with finger, even when–when top. Bicycle becomes readily tool of favorite transportation is used to explore all over island in just a day.
Reside in its coast we will enjoy nature concert. Ten to set breeze voice that blow, dipadu scream bird–seafawl. Afar show flock seal plays in land of North seashore. Lovely Environment and its resident friendly add freshment has the day off.
''Hey mister, comes here. Are you from Malaysia?,'' called loudly a merchant of textile product, try draw attention. ''No, I Indonesia am,'' answer [of] a turis.
''O ... Indonesia. I Aziz Kofteoglu. Come on, come on, cheap price here,'' shout mentioned merchant, with patois that heard rather bizzare. Of course, rallying call mentioned Aziz draw attentions the turis. But when they mendekat. In the reality he/she have never. Aziz confesses merely can say some words [only]. That even also, merely to draw attention buyer candidate malay like this turis. And for one this case, he/she [it is true] succeed.
That's a small part of event, between a turis and a merchant in Istanbul Grand Baazar. Then unnecessary you confused when visit this place, that must you paying attention is don't be easy fished to visit one kiosk if you not really sure that you really interest with goods that sold the merchant.
Occupy areal for the width of more than 30.500 m2s, Grand Bazaar are oppressed by around 4.000 kiosks that sell many commodity. Begin at kaos till jacket and leather suitcase. Decoration of gold glaze antique and gem studded, till graven flowerpot beautiful, and multifarious karpet.Setiap day, purportedly Grand Bazaar are visited more than 400 thousand people. Interesting, is not like traditional market in general, kiosks is over there arranged in such a manner so it's merchantmen that sell similar goods is grouped in block in common.
In other hand, areal Grand Bazaar will will by langit-lagit that some of intentionally made transparent. That's why Grand Bazaar also frequent called Covered Bazaar. Meanwhile, its wall is decorated classic ornamen. ''You can go shopping sepuasnya here. But careful, don't ever perverted. Alleys that make up a kind of that labyrinth each of them haves wide around four metres, and enlightened by electrics lamps and air conditioned air.
Grand Bazzar is building that have unique history. He/she not merely biggest covered market in Istanbul, but also the eldest one. The first time built not permanent by sultan Mehmed II at 1461, to muster merchantmen -- entered from outside Turki -- to facilitate transaction with local citizen. At 1701, Dynasty Suleyman I develop it in permanent and extend arealnya.
Grand Bazaar also not silent from accident. He/she is ever burned five times during period 1546 till 1651. Even, half damage arealnya was heavy when hit earthquake accident at 1894. Grand Bazaar Istanbul that's this ancient market name. Turk call it Kapali Carsi, Tertutup Market. Market that founded at 1455-1461 This is the market is closed biggest and eldest in Turki, even in world.
Grand Bazaar covers ground zero for the width of 30,7 hektares. In it there is 61 ways, 10 wellsprings, 4 fountains, 2 mosques, and around 4.000 kiosks. This Market is maintaining this current form for 250 year.
Ada so much store over there that offer carpet beautiful Turki, ceramic, copper [crafting/ diligence], leathercraft, clothes, pashmina, accessory from stoney and metal. And, saking to the number of interesting goods over there, guaranteed purse will be easy 'leak'. More than anything else our easy money changer finds in various of angle;corners.
Market that reside in this Istanbul old area is visited around 250.000 till 400.000 visitor people every its day. Tens of restaurant [in] depth makes visitor not will hunger. If have a time to this unique place, a number of guides give some tipses, Take heed pickpocket. On-site that so much goods that draw attention, we often moo. Thus, money Anda at safe place and don't wear duffle bag in back.
Merchantmen knows almost all languages in the world. Of course, conversation that can they conduct is only concerning merchant. Beranilah bargains goods. Don't buy goods if Anda has not yet agreed on its price. Nothing term sungkan, leave just even Anda has bargained. Safe So ventures on….and don't ever perverted.
Libya [it is true] specific and unique. This Country presents two civilizations at the same time. Nuance Arab and Europe jells colour city Tripoli, specially. One more that make you will terheran-heran, five star hotel in Tripoli whose name is Bab Al-Bahar located in sea front Mediterranean in the reality not far difference with star hotel three in Indonesia. That make you forbear staying prolonging in country this is the Arab specific dish and very unique Libya, nevertheless delicious. Mutton Dish, chicken and fish from Sea of Mediterranean felt enjoy in tongue.
To reach downtown Tripoli, there is two public transportation choices that can be selected. There is city transport and cab. Public transportation is over there called ipeko. Its form similar mikrolet. To reach its fare city only a quarter various kinds of gold coins Libya. One value various kinds of gold coins its reaches Rp 7.500. Whereas, if join with others its fare cab reaches two various kinds of gold coinses.
At [street] Medan Algier stands up regally Masjid Gamal Abdul Naser. Before now that building is ex cathedral that jiggered become mosque. "People that Libya so admire Gamal Abdul Naser and Soekarno," Atriadi. Resident Tripoli so friendly to Indonesians. There are two city names in Indonesia that immortalized in Tripoli, namely Street Bandung and Jakarta.
On the left mosque is existed luxury building taken as easy going place at the same time menyeruput Arab specific copy. After try taste copy and bread that quite bizzare in tongue, you can visit city garden Tripoli. Green grass and date tree that bear fruit close become very beautiful view. As if, you are not residing in desert country
After release fatigue, you can return trace take the air in city deep Arabian are called this Tarabulus. Through the street this, you will witness super market buildings and housing center city generally dressy italian. [only], this country is have time to colonized italian by midcentury twentith M.
Historic Place other that may not passed is Benteng Peninggalan Turki Usmani. Its position at [street] Medan Syuhada. Have a color of cacao, that fortress still hefty stand up. In sebelahnya are existed Pasar Turki that always multitude visited buyer. This Market most multitude is visited at noon toward the year evening.
One more, historic building that may not passed namely Istana Malik Idris king Libya that overthrown heroic young ARMY in 1 September 1969. Its position at [street] Dohro. All places it might reached by by walk complete Tak likely pay a visit to Libya, if not have time to halting-place to Leptis Magna. This is eyewitness of feather in one's cap history roman Imperium at the begining of century masehi.
Yes, nuance Europe so jells here. Ex Spandrel that roman ommission city still boosts sturdily. Ex that roman ommission city resides in eastside Tripoli head fors city Benghazi. Its distance reaches 120 kilometres and with time go through 1,5 hour.
To be able to reach Leptis Magna, You can join with others cab or car rent from Tripoli.FOR can see roman ommission that make surprise that everyone must pay [for]s ticket enters around six various kinds of gold coinses. Ex City roman feather in one's cap in that Libya so wide. Its position resides in sea front Mediterranean. hri Yang made you will growing make surprise is when you reside in in legitimate stage building that built in 1-2 M, in area Leptis Magna. Accompanies set breeze Mediterranean and view that amaze, reside in this legitimate stage building really get an impressions.
Visitors even also immortalizes every place angle;corner in this legitimate stage. After visit legitimate stage, ex market in roman era that so luxury and unique it is a pitty for other dilewatkan.Bangunan that not fail beautiful its is ex roman king's palace. So sturdy and luxury. Unhappily, already much parts that remain debrises. In king's palace, there is roman tribune of king place orates.
In Leptis Magna there are also field events and ex bath pool. If Anda will visit this place better wears hat, its temperature enough panas.Meski has satisfied encircle roman feather in one's cap in Leptis Magna, nevertheless likely very weight to leave it. Admiration will Leptis Magna has been felt although you have left Libya.
Geographical on the sea, mount, and territorial water in from make Peru as [the] target tourism adventure that adrenalin trigger. Mountaineers, bicycle rider mount, pengarung-jeram, SURFING, and others, can gratify it-self in country ini.Di mountain Peru, roof tourist can conduct climb or trace forest. Some tops its snow-capped become separate challenge. Mountain that can become target tourism climbers, for example Andes (Ancash), area mount Vulkanik (Arequipa) as long as 50 kilometres, Misti (5.825 metres), Chancani (6.075 metres), Pichu-Pichu (5.664 metres), and mountain Vilcanota in Cusco.
the river that have never be passed by roof pecinta arung rapids. Whereas coasts Paracas in south and north Lima very suited for water sport, like surfer, fishing rod, and dive. To all lover the wild in hinterland Amazon, much matters that can be enjoyed along the way over there. Alongside river and its forest, can conduct penelusuran river, fishing rod, and witness keragaman type bird that terdata reach 1.820 specieses. n goddess mardiani
If come to Peru, unnecessary it-self by search for store or money changer foreign. Enough by bring currency dollar THE UNITED STATES, visitors can shop at many places, from small kiosk till to big malls.''We accept money dollar shuttlecock. One dollar, You can get three soleses,'' Fanny, seller suvenir in inca Market.
Sellers over there even equip it-self with calculator to convert soles to dollar for various of specific suvenirs, like poncho (warmness clothes), kaos, indian hat, liquor bottles, and [crafting/ diligence] kulit.Nilai exchanges in market is referred [as] spelled out members high compared to on-site foreign money changing, even in hotel. Not only in kiosks suvenir, you can commute for money dollar THE UNITED STATES in public places, like station of public bunkering (SPBU). Oppositely/also, there, its exchange rate high enough, that is one dollar THE UNITED STATES for 3,15 soles.n weds
Peru keeps bergudang-gudang indian heritage and history 4.000 year developments Peru before columbia era. Much culture ommission and histories that make this country make propers become civilization center South America, beside Meksiko.Wujud history and culture Peru can be perceived from collection in Museo Larco. This Museum are founded in 1929 by a arkeolog Peru Rafael Larco Hoyle. Collection this museum shows history chronology Peru columbia-pre.
To reach this museum, needed 15 minute from Miraflores, San Isidro, or Bandara Internasional Lima. Located in complex building mansion 18th-century in the form of pyramid pre-Kolumbia in Masehi.Para seventh century visitor museum also can perceive various of collection [of]s 45 thousand objects in areal Larco. Even, among that artefak, there is that made of pure gold and silver that is collection Peru kuna. That Artefak-artefak is collects best archaeology in Museum is referred [as].
Besides museum, much archaeological sites that present result [of] the invention of roof local arkeolog from indian civilization Kuna, for example in Manchu Pichu, Sachayhuaman in Cusco, and Pachacamac, and many more the other. Indian Culture Kuna that showed in situs-situs referred [as] is structure of trust building or religi and perkampungan society of inca indian.
Pachacamac is complex situs peribadatan indian Kuna Inca. In this situs, roof arkeolog find a variety of forms piramid from time chronology that different each other. Government Peru even also copes promote it to world by make it as [the] place Deklarasi Pachacamac in meeting of minister level APEC in Peru in 2008.
To reach situs are referred [as], needed about/around a hour from city Lima with berkendara car. This Situs are opened for visitor from at 09.00 pin-cushions 17.00 with ticket price [in] less than 10 soleses. In frontage, there is information place, museum, eatery, and shop suvenir. Its organizer also places cage Ilama, similar animal sheep and camel specific Peru. [several] pecintas adventure book Tintin, of course ever recognize animal that can give off water into the face that Si Pemberang Kapten Haddock.
According to Alexadra, a guide over there, Pachacamac loads some building and areas like area of aborigin settlement Lima that start at time framework 600 masehis. Also found Piramida Con Rampa (1.100-1.500 M) from Budaya Ichimay-Inka, settlement of inca society (1.440-1.530 M), temple of genuiness society Lima (600 M), temple Ichimay-Inka (1.100-1.533 M), and public square of inca culture (1.440-1.533 M). Also inca temple Del Sol (1.400-1.500 M), and Mamacuna (1.440-1.530 M).Building that aim to coast is referred [as] is place of devoting ceremony to all inca god. Ceremony that led by a commander ritual by dedicate blood [of] a young maiden that to create permanence dunia.n wed
From top Del Sol, visitor can see surrounding panorama. That Area is existed sandy areal fine like desert, green areal full [of] grass and grove, and growing melandai onshore. ''We can see the three of that area type from here,'' Alexandra, guide setempat.Pada generally, temples and aborigin building that found in situs are referred [as] made of sediment rock. That stones is cut parallelogram memanjang and compiled building form. As [the] glue between stone, is mud dough or clay hard.
Day still morning. Cold air jabs bone, even sun already in the sky blue Windmill, The Netherlands. That morning I walk trace dock, sailboat searching that ever I rent one year ago. Few days before I go to Amsterdam, I have gave news of ship rent. Even is not entered one who likes plan activity, nevertheless for in the Netherlands better we advise our arrival few days previously. This has became European tradition.
Afar SEE old seaman and its relatives menyambutku with gesture. I immediately run draw near them. We even also went out to sea after sea traffic light gives green light. In the Netherlands, [it is true] not only owner land fringe. Nevertheless on the sea even also. Seamans here didata by sea security. They are also obliged memarkirkan its ship and boat elegantly.
Flag Colour the Netherlands is seen very contrast with sky colour, sea, ship wood and boat. White Cloud is seen not too much. Cool Wind blows fresh. Beautiful very. Differ from sea in fatherland that likely salty, sea here likely tend to sweet. That sebabnya they call it 'manis water'. I try touch saltwater from ship and brrrr... unbelievable coldness. It's likely winter pickings still remains.
Inboard this existed bed, kitchen, LOO and chair-desk to write. Outside, available a the usual desk is used to eat, drink and jest. Day by day we go around encircle Holland. , not all area in the Netherlands can be spelled out members Holland. Only certain regions [only], before finally extended.
Sepulang sails, afternoon its day I walk along encircle Kota Amsterdam that coincidence is carrying out carnival. Link stomach already peckish, I even also immediately buy waffle smear brown and bean that sold in carnival referred [as]. Form big waffle-nya, can be as wide as my face, satiation membuatku batten it.
MAKE cool Air buys [in] one beer can to warm up. , here price [in] one beer bottle Cheaper than mineral water because the need for warm up with Higher grog. Later, I use opportunity intentionally it-self to try some game meanses that is avaliable at that carnival. If in our fatherland recognizes annual fair, like this is annual fair in the Netherlands, similar Dufan with all means serunya.
Not far from carnival area, there is a monument idol was that menyimbolkan shackle of homosexual clan in the past. Fortunately, now clan gay in the Netherlands has enjoyed independence. That sebabnya some couples gay come [from] frequent Indonesia pass off its nuptials here because has been legal.
In other hand, there are some other things that not possible happened in fatherland that can be enjoyed in free here. Nevertheless it is of course with regulation, age definition and deportment taken care. Store The example that sell variated type marijuana from various of countries. Last prostitution center that recognized by the name of "Light District", where women that most of that East Europe dipajang in glass windows as long as that area.
District inipun is equiped cinema, museum and store that sell supporting need sexual. All this freedoms are trusted can take care of prostitution happens at certain places just and drunkard not gallivantes in public area that can bother orderliness. But hati-hatilah if Anda want to make a pictures dibaca Light District, because they very 'realize camera', even Anda make a picture it in candid although. Thus their big possibility will ask goodly payment makes go broke.
Besides cycle, we also can use public facility that very recognized and merakyat in the Netherlands, namely tram. To go up tram, we can pay [for] EUR 1,6 per trip (in city), or buy ticket at the price of EUR 6,5 for a few multiply journey. Our this Ticket delivers to driver tram for stamped, after previous our mention our cessation place. Unique its, this ticket also can be used to go up bus.
To go to museum, gallery and places wisata, ticket price ranges from EUR 4 and EUR 15. Price for children and adult of course differ. Some museums, gallery and place wisata operate in certain days [only]. Usually in summer, they open longer. Nevertheless this can be checked pass website they.
Don't forget also leave over money about/around EUR 35 to go up cab to airport if present Anda quite a lot. Nevertheless for roof backpacker, airport also can be reached by by bus and also tram. So, for Anda that wish venture on here, is please strarting is saving from now for next springtime!
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