Aramaki Rose Garden - TOURISM
When HEAR name Aramaki Rose Garden, maybe existing dibenak we is only usual garden like most garden that ever you visit. But you will feel very surpriseded and amazed when your you and family exists garden in the middle of-middle with beautiful and beam flower miscellaneous. Truly wonderful menyejukan and captivating

If you intend VISITED this place don't ever you not invite your friend or family are loved, because you were surely will penitent when passed unforeseen pengalaman-penagalaman when reside in Aramaki Rose Garden, apalgi if you and family is roof pencinta flower beauty. Is not delicate likely if not reciprocated comment when enjoy beauties variated flower.
No difficult reach place is referred [as], but kitaharus flits vehicle. Go up cart Monorail kenudian exchanges to cart Hankyu. Air in on May felt cold meagrely overcast and rain rintik. Along the way up to this Rose Garden are in the reality marked with rose plants that are blooming with fanciful colour colour. But man Jp our traveling companion this tells later just over there much more beautiful, when the of we have want to made a picture. And [it is true] correctness in front of we carpeted ocean rose!
From some literatures about Aramaki rose garden, flowerbed that located in area Aramaki, Itami-shi, This Hyogo-ken-Osaka are opened in 1992. Rose blooms in the middle of/month end May – till early June in spring and or in the middle of October till early november (autumn).
Step into this garden needn't pays ticket unless park as high as 500¥, and don't come on Tuesday because garden is exactly closed. In this garden is existed monument of giant [of] peace have the shape of 3 rose colored pillar units that symbolise independence, equivalence and love human in one unity.
In the middle of garden existed Europe dressy pillar south provided with square pool that its water transparent. In garden for the width of 1,7 this hectares are existed 250 rose types amount to 10.000 trees, sugooooooooi, unbelievable. I are directly remembered animation film “The Beauty and the Beast”, perhaps this is the residence garden ugly the Beast form in fable referred [as], correctness correctness will make us lost in, so beautiful its.
I pilihkan some picts colour and rose type that seldom we find for kokiers and as possible provided with name whose name is. Variegeta de Bologna, purple rose with tint, circular rather thick, grow have the shape of short clump. Sentimental this is the rose type obar abir, there is rose colored with white tint, orange with white tint, pink like this, paduan tint in fair primary colour.
Because step into this garden is not collected expense then knockabout its much child childs who live in about/around garden play here, its profit this child child beauty soybean cake and not deflower. Also roof manula like walk street here enjoy beauty of rose garden.
In my this Jp very glad saw couple manula always walks street together, where maximum, in garden more than anything else, correctness correctness like mimi lan mintuno (a couple of tortoise tortoises that each other carry on the back). Hmm what a beautiful its become old with him/her.
That in pairs don't be asked next, many here, duuuuh makes heartburning [only]. Whew in case of I first applied for in rose garden like this sure has forgot ocean and will directly spell out members ”yes”, needn't tell, ”my berry time one month to think”. Try see pict above and hereunder, shame shame but amicable. Ah ah added also with rain that rintik rintik, make liver adds tremble [only], halah.
Hereunder I present French Lace white rose that pendant from pregola, try imagine if a couple of pengantins are made a picture in bawahnya, aduhaaaai, each time see pictnya might not will word divorces thrown. More than anything else at the same time hold rose Queen Elizabeth that spattered rain.
Rose Ungu? [is] there any? Rose that called this Blue bajou its aroma fragrance and fine as beledu, bed the dinky nymph. Rose with pink colour with red diujung to the called Nicole, [is] there any this depict artist soft Nicole Kidman? Might possibly.
Precise very according to guidance, we come and take pict in the morning, fresh, fair even rain rintik. We bertiga each other exchange file, totalize pict that we take ±600, fortunately now camera using no next film become come [from] ceprat cepret. Not that I know of next maximum that result cepretanku, Alice my friend from Timor Leste or Athitta from Thailand.
A lot of rose type here may even exist that 20 cms, tan rose and rose called ”black tea” but is not black its colour. Rose Brass orange chromatic and hilarious band and the simple yellow, Yellow Simplicity. What a beautiful its, I enquire ”[is] there any in heaven is existed rose garden this?”, friend of mine answers ”It's and definitely more beautiful from this”