Gyung Bo Museum Fossil - TOURISM SOUTH KOREA
Immediately before the end of this winter vacation, after all activities semester short finish, I are invited take the air by family Korea I to coast area in Korea. Begin at Yeongdeok, Yeongyang, Pohang, Bother, Buggy and area about/around that. One of place wisata the most draw to visit is Gyung Bo Museum Fossil in area Ganggu, Gyeongsang-Buk-Do region, range from to Yeongdeok and Pohang. 5 Menits from Pantai Jangsa.

In this museum, we can see a lot of fossil from various of eras. According to information, its fossil amount reaches 2500 units, from 30 countries, entered Korea of course.. Its collection consist of mineral fossil, glory amethyst, plants, wood, sea animal, till ivory mammoth and dinosaur egg. In goodly museum wide and clean, its room in for become 2 pavilions and one outdoor area.
Pavilion one its contents [of] have the shape of fossils from a period of Paleozoik, Mesozoik and Cenozoik. Consist of many mineral fossil, sea animal, entered for example giant cockle, and various of rocks. You also can see there is animal fossil that like mimi lan mintuna ( deep sea animal Java story is entered very devoted animal at its couple, until if there is that marry, always accompany prayer hopefully always foundation like mimi and mintuna, which intended to hopefully always foundation and devoted at couple to the death ).
Collection are referred [as] displayed natty in balance box, with spot light and very complete explanation. Giant Cockle and some stone fossils put down outside balance box, nevertheless given protector string, so it's will never to touch. Cold Room, bold and balmy make us forbear staying perceive every collection carefully and make photos and note various of explanations. There is no officer that dog us, until we freely can go around.
Meanwhile classic song accompanies step. And for no prohibition order to make a picture, become us can spatially portrait. Ada also one part that show difference of genuiness fossil with at full brand fossil. For civilian with fossil, of course will never differentiate, if without explanation.

In our this pavilion also can see some sort of currency type, entered for example paper currency from New Guinea Papua, Bermuda, Zaire and its other country. There is 16 type of paper currencies from 8 countries Europe, 4 Asian countries and 4 countries America.
Pavilion two its contents [of]s have the shape of plants fossil. That consist of 150 items. Consist of various of size and types. There is big ones, there is also that small rasher, put down in balance box. Also kinds of amber, there is also leaf fossil, flower and fruit. Like for example pine fruit. Out door Pavilion contains every kind of wood fossil type in size goodly big, 100 types.
Interesting is because wood fossil is referred [as] have the shape of comparison of wood fossil from area Pohang ( South korea ) with wood fossil from various of other countries. And arrange in display of a similar nature with the works of idol exhibition. Magnificent.
Ticket price entered this museum was not too expensive, that is 3000 wons for individual adult ( if group only 2500 wons), 1500 for student smp and smu ( if entourage only 1000 wons ), and children under the age of 5 year or child sd its ticket at the price of 1000 wons ( if entourage only 700 wons). Cheap very, remember its collection remarkable, settlement and maintenance careful and seriously and benefit that can be gotten from museum referred [as]. Employees its still young and friendly, cheap smile and ready to explain everything if we ask something.
Outside pavilion there is small restauran, where we can enjoy many food, and also sell light food, beverage, ice cream and souvenir. Food is may not brought come into pavilion. And price cost dear souvenir.

According to its history, this museum first is private collection from Mr. Kang-Hae Jung, that become collector of amateur fossil for 30 year. In the begining, fossil collection is simply hobby [only], nevertheless then expand become more serious.
From museum person, turn into museum for general public, that opened in 26 June 1996. Even pavilion 2 just are opened on 6 Junes 1998. This Museum included in category museum first class fossil ( Registration No. 84) and entered as private museum, though opened generically.
Slogan museum this is the : "Globe The history which is [in] one ice with the fossil" This Museum has no holiday, that means open during the time. Hour bukanya is at 8 in the morning till at 7 at night, in usual days. Whereas at the end of week open from at 8 in the morning till at 8 at night. For vacation season ( around 20 Julies till 15 Augusts ) oppositely/also longer next hour bukanya, that is begin at at 7 in the morning till at 8 at night. Enjoy this museum will become separate easiness for us, and surely for you that take a fancy to this sort of museum.