movie Troubled Water
Entitle DeUsynlige in its old country, with the meaning more or less the invisible, and deus that peeped out in title also mean God in language asalnya, Norwegian. Third Film from stage manager this Erik Poppe takes theme about trust, about sin and about start new life. Nevertheless there is matter that remain not to can be forgotten people.
Jan Thomas Hansen and its friend when adolescent gone away with a child to rob property goods the child. Nevertheless accident happens and the child dies. Court sends them to prison. After some years, Jan finally exit, and try to make a fresh start life its, denga uses its middle name Thomas and become organist in a church.
Nevertheless, at one visit of schoolchild entourage to church, the mother from child that killed recognize it, and that ugly experience returns haunt. Not merely haunt Thomas, but also its mother. Erik Poppe tells this film passes two sides approach. Film Half early, we will follow Thomas, and deepen emotion and in character, later, next film half, we will follow the mother, from early lose its child, till he/she finds Thomas in church.
This psychological Thriller beyond belief can wrap all that expected, a life drama, with various of conflicts in it, from different approach side. Thomas that locked by its [the] past, although see much expectationses untuknya, he/she remain to fear and feel that experience within call. Meanwhile the mother, although finally adoption two childs, when meet Thomas, its [the] past memory reappears and haunt it, till finally make it fly off the handles logic and brought emotion [go] toes climax that presented properly by stage manager.
Every this film scene compiled good and nothing that without effect. All parts will in union grow into one, massage entire occurence, that not showed since a beginning. Experiment Poppe breaks narrating way becomes two parts not without risk, audience sometime feels that much scenes that dimasukkan just for explained mysteries at the beginning of that at first quite nice develop atmosphere. Part both this film likely only explanation to explanation by follow mother figure deepens trouble in its mind.
This Drama just returned next to levelnya when story pursued came up with dot when top conflict peeped out film mid. Direct contact between Thomas and figure Ibu finally happened, and stage manager can care of it immanent correct till final intensity film, and finish this film with good ending.