movie KICK ASS

movie KICK ASS
In case Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), child will will flog this oppositely/also is not next memperdulikan reality life and immerse in comic world.
Dave [it is true] not have much friends. A large part of leeways its he/she uses to read comics superhero its favorite. Growing often Dave reads, gain strength also this comic story coherents in it-self Dave. Till one day Dave sure that become superhero like figures in comic that he/she reading is life destiny its. Darling Dave forgets if he/she at all not haves super strength like warriors masked that.
That Fact in the reality not makes step ebb be next Dave imposes uniform of mask plus that he/she make and mention he/she Kick-Ass. At the beginning, mission Kick-Ass became weak clan rescuer not too smoothly nevertheless with more and more exercise, name Kick-Ass starts daunted criminals. But out of it all, there is that not realized by Dave. What's he/she conducts in the reality become inspiration makes many people.
Among people that terinspirasi action Dave is Damon Macready (Nicolas Cage) and princess its, Mindy (Chloe Moretz) that also become superhero by the name of Big Daddy and Hit Girl.
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