movie Bitch Slap

movie Bitch Slap
A film that lift what conducted films in 70s, theme: seks exploitation. Every scene in this film shows cleavage figures main this woman. Lovely Body and woman section is allied with weight weapons and action, show like genius idea to get audience. Nevertheless audience darling has more went forward now.
In surprised matter the most remembered when watch this film is not beautiful bodys, or settled action-action, or choreography kacaunya, and also kesadisan criminals its. That bother during film this is the plot onward retreats, in plot that actually straight, sandwiched hundreds of multiply flash back to explain situation. Audience quickly weary with this style. And also flashback that presented not at all draw, and make audience count/calculates second to return to main plot band.
Such as those which predicted, every motion gerik figures this, they as if wish show its body. Berlenggak precession for no reason, bow clear ga, and other. Scene most genius from film this is the suddenly they each other sprinkle it-self and wet during can be 5 minute, by reason of, gerah.
Story Facet, writer and sutradra Rick Jacobson, make every effort to make interesting story that full [of] twist and many konspirasis. Nevertheless result that seen in [screen/sail] is story is forced to continue go forward, without give clearly what is being conducted figures main. We only can guess, they have target, and to that have conducted much dangerous matters.
Acting reaches expectation…, for class film B. Abundant faces Expression, or expression that level off and casting co stars incompatible, add list this film successfulness becomes class film B that really fail. Then what nice from this film? There is no