Jackass the movie

Jackass 3D will use avatar 3D Technology!
"We're going to take the same 3D technology James Cameron used in 'Avatar' and stick it up Steve O's butt," said Knoxville. "We're taking stupid to a baru whole dimension."
News barrel of fun that sponge avatar popularity in box office, Jackass will make version 3D their film, and use technology that used [by] James Cameron.
Paramount Pictures and MTV announces this Jackass second sequel will be launched in October cinema 2010, Johnny Knoxville and kith will start final syuting this January. Stage manager is fixed holded Jeff and dibawah produser Knoxville and Spike Jonze.
When fever effect 3D knock overs perfilman, much unsuccessful films exploit this technology, with only use elementary deceits like objects float up at [screen/sail]. James Cameron, with technology that developed for avatar.
A few/little explanations, in avatar, Cameron uses two adjacent cameras like human eyes to record, as does human eyes. Until image that created in [screen/sail] haves deepness, not picture formation in front of and rear like films impression other 3D.
It's likely Jackass will use technology two cameras, so-called Stereoscopic camera by James Cameron. Will be felt like follow on the street witness kekonyolan Jackass?