Amsterdam - Netherlands tourism
For dirty business, people Amsterdam by it self surely confess if that Amsterdam dirty and cannabis aroma. If YOU is residing in attraction places turis, like Dam square or light RED area district we, Zeedijk, will be seen a lot of incoming turis to Amsterdam just for suck cannabis and vexed like what that light district.

But come on see Amsterdam other side cultured, its culture center the Netherlands, that far from places atypical turis. As [the] start, You can get breakfast in De Bakkerswinkel Warmoesstraat 69, Amsterdam. They provide breakfast menu, brunch, and lunch that consist of all kinds of sandwich and jam. Scone and clotted cream they very I recommend, and so it is with hot chocolate those in have a few/little feel kayumanis.
When enter, You will meet atmosphere that very homey. Like step into friend house for afternoon high tea. They have kitchen is opened, its desk also impresses what existence of, not full of decoration as does restaurants in general. They also install moppet score out-streak in door kulkas and keep diningware china ware in wood racks that remind me at my grandmother house in Jogja.
But if Anda saw length of hour moment queue breakfast or lunch, not difficult to conclude if this place very popular. And one point next, though its place relative close to place turis, most pengunjunganya is local people.
Not far from situ, there is Beurs van Berlage that considered as one of landmark Amsterdam, this art-deco dressy building is often discussed in textbook and architecture journals. This Building is built in 1896 by Hendrik Petrus Berlage and functioned as [the] effect exchange in 1903. At this time as [the] exhibition building that present begin at photograph exposition up to shows cabaret.
Precise in front its can see Damrak and Dam Square that is sure target every turis that stop by to Amsterdam. It's likely, photo in front of Summer palace and Madame Tussaud that encircle Dam Square is a compulsion for every turisT

You also can [go] to Negenstraatjes. Negenstraatjes can be translated in literal as the nine streets. This [it is true] area that consist of nine pathways that encircle canals is recognized in Amsterdam. In area this Negenstraatjes Anda can see een echte Amsterdamse beeld or view truthfully Amsterdam.
You can imagine if this is the this city face when still glorious with canals and much bridges its as [the] main trade band European continent. High and narrow;tight houses at the edge of canal that become house features Amsterdam can be seen form in origin in area this negenstraatjes.
Besides view that very Amsterdam, in Negenstraatjes also a lot of found unique small stores. There is special sell clotheses ex vintage, there is that sell film posters from in 30 and 40s, there is special recordshop sells LP-LP retro from in 60s. Ada also gallery from local actors that invite decak marvels.
Negenstraatjes also haves much ideal places for simply sit and enjoy a glass of wine. For Anda that like jazz, maybe Anda will like with cafe Brix [Wolvenstraat 16 1016 EPs]. Located in Wolvenstraat, one of the much streets about/around negenstraatejs with interior that minimalis, Brix haves choice house wine and liquor that variated, they also provide small dishes that snugly once with its music.
After satisfy see the old Amsterdam in area centrum and specially Negenstraatjes, we can leave for northwards go to area of cart station back Amsterdam Centraal. Differ from area Amsterdam Centrum, Amsterdam Noord this is the new area with buildings that more futuristik. Government Amsterdam [it is true] major area Amsterdam Noord and its surroundings to become garden plays architects with new settlement projects those in unique.

Landmark that seen in this area one of them is Muziekgebouw aan het IJ . Building that designed in 2005 by bureau of Dane architect, this 3xNielsen has won much prestigious appreciations in area of architecture. Building that as concerthall for chamber music and this orchestra is provided with roof and floor that can dinaik-turunkan and adapted for music type that brought until voice quality in room can be taken care maybe.
Because this building located right accross dock periphery, enter into Anda this building will feel like stay in a glasshouse floated giant was with view panoramik dock atmosphere and last ship grass, sans les bruit.
A few/little walk toward east, we can stop over to get lunch in Fifteen. Fifteen, like also the things of Fifteen in London, is restaurant that associated with the naked chef, Jamie Oliver. Concept of restaurant this is the laboratory for candidates chef in ripe school. Draw it, this restaurant located in area that far from downtown Amsterdam, on the contrary, they select location in dock area and warehousing that a few/little hided.
One point draw next about concept of restaurant this is the menu inexistence fixed. Available Menu is day after day hung from roof experiment chef for day by day. Very attractive and challenge for Anda roof foodie.