Leyden - Netherlands tourism
LeIden, region populates 118 thousand souls that located in between the city of Amsterdam, Den Haag, and Rotterdam, getting the predikat as [the] city in 1266. According to whose name is, Leyden from the word ''leithon'' that mean it is at water band. This City is split by Sungai Rijn (Rhine) that its pate;upstream in Swis passes Germany and in Windmill.

In internode Leiden tabletop, that river forks that recognized with Oud Rijn and be next Neeuwe Rijn in union center city. Main River and two branchs its related to small that have the shape of canal. In the summer, that canals is utilized as TOUARISM water, whereas in winter, when snow go down, become arena very attractive skating.
River shows clean, besides as [the] object TOUARISM also becomes balmy habitat for duck, goose, and seagull. No show impression that that river resides in estuary internode that if in developing country like Indonesia become dustbin for headwaters.
City that Leiden gracious because provide special band for bicycle in each its joint streets. At any given office, campus, public room, station, terminal, or mall are provided place parks acceptable for bicycle. Commuter (penglaju) from outside Leiden needn't use car to reach city is referred [as]. They everyday bicycle pedal then parked in station, and change trains fire into the city target. Balmy not stres and more efficient.
Commuter from outside Leiden usually have two bicycles. One for pedalled from home to station conversely. One more utilized for mobility in Leiden and accompany from and to station. That Matter that conducted by lecturers in Leiden University who live in Ams¬terdam, Rotterdam, Den Hagg, Naar¬den, and Haarlem.
Pattern like this penglaju very enables because train very balmy, reached, and timely and much choices with frequency every 10 minute. Station Sentral also in union with bus terminal until give amenity and choice for user society.

Behavior environmentally friendly that seems not merely discovered in city small like Leiden, but also in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, two metropolises that populate more than one million soul. Leyden is also spelled out members as [the] safe city.
Winter was with temperature between 2 till 6 degrees celcius that always accompanied light rain not makes people shy at walk and also cycle as [the] main media mobility. That View takes place from morning blind till midnight. Last People grass in angle;corners of city street without worry bothered keamananya, once even also he/sheTOURIST.
Leiden interesting Power, not merely at its condition clean, natty, friendly, and safe but also rich with ancient buildings that has been made everlasting. In book Newcomers in an Old City article Joke Kardux and Eduard van de Bilt (2007) mentioned that that city map is predominated by spirit [of] church, among others is Pieterskerk (St Peter's) and be next St Pancraskerk are recognized by the name of Hooglanse Kerk. Tetenger ancient building other that still luxury standing is City hall. There is fortress that look like kastil called Visburg or de Burcht that built at around 1050.
In note, fortress in knoll is referred [as] slated for barricade overflowing Sungai Rijn. But told also if that fortress is built as [the] defence to the ARMY attack Spain during the period. Citizen Leiden very pride with fortress referred [as]. In book Panorama Leiden is mentioned that if Anda visits that city but not halting-place in de Burcht, that same that means Anda has not yet paid a visit to Leiden.
Really unique. If big cities world races develop skyscraper as tetenger to see all over city for example Kuala Lumpur with Menara Kembar, Toronto with CN Tower, Boston with Hancock Tower, then not during the things of with Leiden that pride with kastil that height only ten metres on the hill of.

By stand up above kastil Burcht that is the only one building that stand up before Leiden becomes city, 40 building and objects important TOUARISM ko¬that ta stand-out begin at City hall building, Church Pieterkerk, St Pancras¬kerk, Museum Windmill, Morrspoort, Academy Building till Hortus Botanicus.
Leyden is also known as city of refugees. In the beginning of 17-th centuries, that city becomes place of migrant sojourn from UK before they continue journey to Benua America, Australia and also new zealand. Indication from history note referred [as] can be seen from ethnical composition resident that very variated.
Very attractive Saturday Market attention turis vendour [of] various of specific foods from Indonesia, Suriname, Vietnam, Turki, Marocco, China, and of course UK. For migrant so-called last, there is information that tell that they run away from country its in UK because difference of stream view about religion. Migrant Documentation UK that explore American continent by water Mayflower is noted properly.