In south country UK, east diwilayah Dorset, located city Bournemouth, city that not fail famous with ball city like:London, Manchester and Liverpool. Base existing data 5.5 million local and foreign tourists every year its pays a visit to this city.

There is one reason why they in large numbers kesini, beside known as city wisata, this city gets appreciation as [the] most green and cleanest city in Great Britain, even in 1998 magazine Harper prediction as [the] terkeren cosmopolitan city.
Berawal at century 19, only is small countryside with uninhabited coast, ideal place for smuggler. Then here a from on duty tax, called Louis Tregonwell, be next fascinated of dale nature Bourne, after the time/date of that with the wife start buy a pice of land and develop house here. With the wife also planted pine trees that disseminated fresh aroma when wind blow. By degrees in Victoria era, dale Bourne with the of resident settlement, public utility, grand park and boulevard.
City that its planning dipadu with nice this consist of 3 aspects, coast, garden and shopping center. As [the] coast city that get epithet the queen of the south coast. Have golden and chromatic sand, become roof goals surfer that the number 250.000 pertahuns. Its coast Length 19.6 kms, always dipatroli with helicopter from young life guard and baywatch.
Precisely middle dibagian coast stands up dock that built in 1855, that intentionally destroyed at World War IIth, to avoid team Germany anchors here. Rebuilt in the beginning of 1980, now become entertainment amusement arena. Still disekitar coast is existed IMAX modern legitimate stage building 3 dimensions and aquarium that many mengekplorasis natural resources in sea, lake and river. All fish types are referred [as] got from Caribbean archipelago, Hawaii and river Amazon.
Walk 5 minute from coast spreaded out wide dressy city garden Victoria, that make visitor wags tongue marvel, that it is of course also become local towny pride. Here grow with its fertility palm tree that boost high and big trees other, to calm city. Garden that look compile this, at up section existed aviary that exhibit beautiful birds.

Garden Centre part is central point, full of anaka colourous blossoms that very asri, with split clear rill complete with as [the] its dweller. Disepanjang riverbank is existed benches of place length relaxes, arena plays mini golf and some ice kiosks krem, Bournemouth eye, is air ballon by go up this attraction visitor can see entire city from the air.
Shopping center [in] across of garden, Victorian arcade housing that built in 1866, recognized also as Dingles dept store, those in have the sack;bag of thick can be pampered here, because this 'outlet' provides the works of desainer world by its collection that mutahir like: Gucci, Karen Miller etc.
Whereas Beales is independent and most widest dept store, added with other stores known as High street.
For that like pay a visit to museum there is much choices for example: The Casa Margi museum, is Mary house Shelley book writer Frankestein. The Rothesay Museum, special about oceaninc. The Teddy bear museum or laid at The Bournemouth aviation museum near airport.
This city Successfullness not misses from local society cooperation and local government, honor bound also care of environment together, also local government hard work that in discipline degrade team on duty hygiene and urban planning everyday during the year.