spurious facebook virus source in facebook

Virus Bredolab in the reality still try possess by Facebook, nevertheless this use other trik. To deceive user, virus previous Bredolab uses attachment, now use email on behalf of admin Facebook, with subject email like New login system, Facebook account update, Facebook Update Tools, of the size file around 105 KBs. Its contents [of] have the shape of in order to user meng-update account Facebook was to security and freshment when pay a visit to situs Facebook. When update knob clicked, then user will be pointed at website Facebook spurious login, that will steal username and password victim.
Address spurious web Facebook is referred [as] all kinds of, like http://www.facebook.com.xxxxx.eu/globaldirectory/Lo ginFacebook.php?ref=15842706915434780596515904059018022 54672004589860384285&email=xxxxxxx@xxxx.com, where xxxxx is random character. When user content username and password, a page will be opened contain link download update tool account by the name of updatetool.exe that actually is a virus/trojan that of computer infection.
So that is not easy vanished by user, file that made virus like C:WINDOWSsystem32sdra64.exe will be hidden, although user has presented file that hided. In other hand, also make file like C:Windowssystem32lowsec, local.ds, user.ds, user.ds.lll.yang are hided and is not easy vanished. To prevent its spreading, labour to disregard or vanish email with subject above.