Toy Story 3 movie 2010

Toy Story 3 movie 2010
Goods news comes for roof Rilekser that like same characters like Woody and Buzz in film Toy Story.
Yup, like what reported on by ShoWest, if filmmaker distinguish fors Walt Disney Studio has announced that they will immediately merilis film Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in version 3D.
Like known, film Toy Story that enough in demand ditahun 1995 and continued with Toy Story 2 ditahuns 1999 that in the reality get remarkable greeting from roof penikmat film specially children because story that mengibur and range from to atraktif existing characters.
"Quite fanciful Result from Pixar Animation Studios remember its success our film the two (Toy Story and Toy Story 2) that become one of film terfavorit during the time." express Mark Zoradi as president Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Groups.
Its plan, continuance film from Toy Story and Story 2 that is Toy Story 3 will immediately circulate in cinema from date 18 Junes 2010 with new characters addition and tell a story from Andy room that growing full of new maianan.
Gimana? vexed same continuance Woody and Buzz in Toy Story 3 later? awaited [only]