10 user country most at most twitter

10 user country most at most twitter

A data shows, Indonesia resides in position sixth as [the] country with user most at most Twitter, even America still becomes first one country for business Twitter.

America [it is true] still usage domination Twitter with amount more than 50 percentage of totalize user Twitter as a whole. Nevertheless like that, this number starts downhill because previously, at mid data last month, user Twitter in America still around 62 percents, at this time only 50,88 percents.

Forwarded pass by Mashable, Tuesday (26/1/2010), quite significant growth happens in some countries like Germany, Brazil and Indonesia. The three of country are assumed enough give significant contribution of user amount, along with go down it compartment Twitter in America.

Data previously, user Twitter in Brazil only 2 percentage of entire user amount. Nevertheless at this time amount is referred [as] level till 8,8 percents. Brazilian Position under America.

Whereas UK under Brazilian with 7,20 percentage of totalize user, catch up canada, Germany, and Indonesia, with each presentase 4,35 percents, 2,49 percents and 2,41 percents.

Below/under sixth country is referred [as] still berjejer Australlia, The Netherlands, India and Japan occupies massage position 7 till 10.

Other Finding that discovered company of social media analysis Sysomos is, since feature geolokasi is launched Twitter at November ago, only around 0,23 percentage of 10 million tweets that diteliti Sysomos that really use location feature is referred [as]

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