Adjustment Bureau

Adjustment Bureau 2010
Matt Damon & Emily Blunt's thriller
Written by George Nolfi based on Philip K Dick's story 'Adjustment Team'
Directed by George Nolfi
Matt Damon
Emily Blunt
Anthony Mackie
Daniel Dae Kim
Michael Kelly
Terence Stamp
Adjustment Bureau Synopsis
Taken from a short story written by science fiction writer Philip K Dick who previously wrote a story that became the basis of 'Blade Runner' & 'Paycheck', 'Adjustment Bureau' tells the story of a politician, David Norris (Matt Damon) who run the daily routine of life with , until one day he met Sellas ballerina named Elise (Emily Blunt). Feeling met his soul mate, David kept trying to meet Elise, but then realized the intervention of mysterious agents, which prevent met Elise. David grew curious, the more he realized that these agents not only take care of Elise, but also cover a great fact, Which reality of David's life could change drastically. Bacilmas is offline Add to bacilmas's Reputation Report Post Report Post Multi-Quote This Message