Careful, One Group Facebook bring Malware

Careful, One Group Facebook bring Malware

A group has made growl can be all members in Facebook. Group that make rumor that to access Facebook will be imposed surcharger is referred [as] in the reality is only snare malware. Thousands of member Facebook feels sulk because rumor are referred [as], that mention monthly expense as big as $4.99 to access Facebook will be run start July. User that click group are referred [as] will be pointed at situs "protest group" be next will aim to email spam.

Nevertheless, a quick checking from company comes [from] UK, there is no script in situs "protest group" referred [as] that aim to things negative, nevertheless situs are referred [as] have link to situs third party that [it is true] suspected bring malware. Snopes reminds user click certain element that will make script in situs are referred [as] control computer, because user that conduct it discovers various of images that inside can meng-instal malware automatically in their computer.

By searching "Facebook charges July 2010" in search engine then user will find spurious blog with existence of black hat SEO to deceive software of security scanner that exist in search engine. For that, now Facebook is thinking action is being what conducted to group carrier malware is referred

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