Facebook develop new Data Centre for the price $180 million

Facebook develop new Data Centre for the price $180 million

Facebook Inc., Thursday (21/01) last will immediately develop data center for the width of 147,000 square meters in Prineville, Oregon. Data project center are referred [as] predicted will eat expense $180 million. Data center is referred [as] will become first data center owned by company sosial jejaring with amount member 350 million are referred [as].

Data center will be used to keep and distribute information that diposting by user Facebook. Facebook by it self will employ 200 workers for 12 month for development and 35 people full timer when have been operated.

Operation Director of Facebook, Tom Furlong, tell that Prineville haves best element, entered nice climate to make cool environment, and source of power that can diperbarui. Data center [it is true] need energy that many, same as server of bank computer that need refrigeration in continue, add Furlong. Data center Building Facebook is designed to accomodate energy friendly design standar and environment.

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