The Grand Master 2010

The Grand Master 2010
Another version of Yip Man from Wong Kar Wai
Version Here you are differ from film biopik master Wing Chun, Ip Man that made stage manager Wong Kar Wai. Version Film Wong Kar Wai dikasi title The Grand Master and actor Tony Leung didapuk become Ip Man. Last year, film Ip Man version Wilson Yip make a false starts and outstanding success in the market. Donnie Yen that personate success Ip Man captivates audience liver as Ip Man, its teacher Bruce Lee. Film best martial arts at this time.
Have time to happened moment controversy masing2 party grabs make this film,Wong Kar Wai alleges produser Raymond Wong has stole its idea since 1998, till finally agreed on made 2 different versions and produser Raymond Chow release film Ip Man in 2008 ago.
In version The Grand Master (Yi Dai Zong Shi), wife Ip Man will not be peeped out. Previously, actress Gong Li is have time to informed will play the part of wife Ip Man, nevertheless canceled because happened scenario change. Actress kawakan Brigitte Lin also will take a hand in this film. Wong Kar Wai assures version garapan sharply differentiated he/she with version Wilson Yip.
How with film news Ip Man 2 that also will dirilis in 2010? Reported stage manager Wilson Yip in quest of 2 characterizations small Bruce Lee (age 10 year) and adolescent Bruce Lee (age 18 year). Have time to informed Taiwan popular singer, Jay Chow that will play the part of latter Bruce Lee Namun that news not true. In Ip Man 2, teacher Ip Man will move to Hong Kong and there he/she trains Bruce Lee for 5 year, fixed life Ip Man becomes story principal focus.
Recently happened ugly incident (14/7) at actor Tony Leung that personate Yip man experiences of broken bone in left arm part its not intentionally kick by one of the instructor when exercise. Incident makes kru film will never continues practice because Tony Leung must rests during some weeks till [his] arms recover and possibility syuting this film is backed hung from condition Tony Leung. Syuting its plan at the threshold next on September this.
FYI, Film The Grand Master is seventh film collaboration Tony Leung and Wong Kar Wai since Days of Being Wild, Chungking Express, Ashes of Time, Happy Together, In the Mood for Love and 2046