
Pornografia (Pornography) is a movie adaptation of a book by Witold Gombrowicz. The movie was nominated in for Oscar awards in the category of foreign movies. It deserved this award but unfortunately the producer of the movie Lew Rywin (who produced Schindler's List and The Pianist in the past) became involved in a big corruption scandal in Poland, and became the main enemy of highly influential Polish daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, controlled by the financial group of New York Times.
Pornography part 1
Pornography part 2
Pornography part 3
Pornography part 4
Pornography part 5
Pornography part 6
Pornography part 7

Pornografia (Pornography) is a movie adaptation of a book by Witold Gombrowicz. The movie was nominated in for Oscar awards in the category of foreign movies. It deserved this award but unfortunately the producer of the movie Lew Rywin (who produced Schindler's List and The Pianist in the past) became involved in a big corruption scandal in Poland, and became the main enemy of highly influential Polish daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, controlled by the financial group of New York Times.
Pornography part 1
Pornography part 2
Pornography part 3
Pornography part 4
Pornography part 5
Pornography part 6
Pornography part 7