10 most most expensive hotel in the world
Ever you feel rest in hotel? Star Dua? Three? Four or even Lima? Don't surprise! Hotel that 'sebenar-benarnya' is hotel Tujuh! Here you will really feel stay and served kingly. For the man who rich, life like this maybe has been everyday, but for you that once in a while want to feel likely live as king, there is nothing wrong you stop off on-site this. During you can fumble more than $7500 every night, don't worry to stop by..
1. The Ciragan Palace Hotel Kempinski- Sultan’s Suite ($7.500 )

Hotel that located in Istanbul in area Bosporus, this hotel first is empire palace Ottoman and there [are] since century 16. Then at 1991, this empire is altered its function becomes hotel. This Hotel consist of two buildings, genuiness palace and building new. If you want to feel kingly life, then hotel this is the place that snugly for you! Price? No too expensive shuttlecock, 'only' around $7500 every night!
2. The Fairmont Hotel- Penthouse Suite ($10.000 )

Hotel that located in hill Nob, This San Fransisco haves one special room that take all wide floor eight. This hotel Room in the reality haves 3 bed rooms, messroom and room that can accomodate 50 people, enough for you and all big families. There is billiard desk, fireplace, even bathroom from gold 24 rusts! Unique Matter: there is secret street rear book rack in room of floor book two! Up at maximum? you that must experience by it self!
3. Hotel Cala di Volpe- Presidential Suite ($14.000 )

East Coast this Sardinia swept the world in 1960 when roll in riches someone buy this area and finally succeed invite rich other friends to develop villa and club yacth. Room this Presidensial even ever become location shooting Film James Bond "The Spy Who Loved Me". This Room haves three bed rooms, three bathrooms and two rooms sit. That very cool is private swimming pool saltwater that exist in floor two!
4. Westin Excelsior- Villa La Cupola ($15.000 )

This Villa resides in floor five and six Westin Excelsiors, villa in this hotel finishes room as high as 6.100 sq.ft.s and even there [is] still balcony and terrace;core for the width of 1.800 sq.ft.s. you will get private kitchen, room eats with owner of antique wax;candle, and even private grape;wine cupboard. If still less, you will get also private cinema with voice system Dolby Surround, and even special lift for area fitness and Jacuzzi.
5. The Martinez Hotel- Presidential Suite ($18.500 )

Hotel that reside in this Cannes is hotel that have most expensive and biggest suite griya tawang on shore Gading. This Room haves two bathrooms, turkish bath one place, kitchen, private sauna, and terrace;core that can accomodate till 100 people. you even will be served a private head steward for 24 hour in a day.
6. President Wilson Hotel pin-cushion The Imperial Suite (233 Jutas rupiah every night)
This Room only can be reached by pass by private lift, and have four bed rooms that opened up at Danau Jenewa. This Room haves workroom, 5 bathrooms with marble floor. billiard desk, book room and lounge cocktail that can accomodate 40 people. Room that one this even get security extra from window and door anti bullet
7. The Atlantis- The Bridge Suite ($25.000)

This Room resides in to the 'bridge' connective two towers Atlantis Royal Towers, in other word, you will get hotel view, marina and even island hotel place this The Atlantis exists, without hindered at all! Room that have 10 this bed rooms get decoration by ruddle, black and gold.. and a large part of, it is of course, gold! you even got steward and chef incoming person pass by special steward door, until will never bother you! Told this room so luxuriant, until you will be lazy
8. Palms Casino Resort- Hugh Hefner Sky Villa ($40.000 )

This Villa located in floor 34 Fantasy Towers, This Villa Hugh Hefner haves has been provided with all needs to become a Playboy king class kakap! Jacuzzi fresh air, media room, messroom and bar, and it is of course mattress [in] one size two metres that can rotate. Till now room this is the most most expensive room in the world! O yes, this room [it is true] whose name is Hugh Hefner, and already complete with
all needs become Playboy, but is not mean sure you are accompanied Playboy Bunnies ...