Bosnia Herzegovina Tourism
Bosnia Herzegovina Tourism
Even whose name is remind us at war and abbatoir, nevertheless a lot finally fall in love and will set mind on pay a visit next to this country. No place [of] in the world of this that can be compared to beauty experiences of Bosnia Herzegovina. This Country is bestowed high stone boosts nevertheless have not yet touched modernization.. Public road that downwards-go up in hilly bunch with plantation in kiri-kanannya, river clear, altogether offer separate challenge for the man who likes sport whitewater rafting, mountain climbing and also paragliding.

Ever controlled Kekaisaran Ottoman comes [from] Turki. Sarajevo are founded at 15-th centuries. That Condition brings islam influence to city populate 400-an thousand this soul. When this area stay in power Kekaisaran Hungaria in 18th-century till 19, influence Austro-Hungarian that Katholik enriches its culture. And afterwards, top kick influence of socialist regime for 50 year, make this city growing.
Sarajevo also ever nicknamed as Jerusalem-nya Europe cause kentalnya jew nuance that have time to domination [of] some of building styles on-site this. Sarajevo also is city where various of religious symbol buildings begin at The Roman Catholic, mosque, Synagoge and clan church Orthodox stands up each other bunch up. Really a rareness view that might not can be found in other european countries.

That more minor, when happened ethnical war for 3,5 year that eat so much soul victim, that buildings not at all experiences of damage and remain to stand up sturdy till today. It's likely, all parties that conflicted at that time seakan "compromise" each other conduct mutilation to holy buildings referred [as]. A matter that actually make proper diacungi thumb, even in the middle of situation that carut-marut although.
Downtown that located in Ferhadija, started from monument so-called Eternal Flame, a torch that intentionally flamed continuously for commemorative Yogoslavia victory which is on in 1945 succeed dissipate Germany head Hitler. From there, Can see stylist keragaman building influences communism style that simpel, unite with Austro-Hungarian dressy building that impress classic and ornamental.
If step farther, Will arrive at Slatko Cose. This is place [of] the row of Bosnia specific store of snacks seller mostly have the taste of sweet legit, and also cafe and pub that present copy and specific jajanan Turki. Public road that made of stoney formation gravel and its building style that more influenced architecture loaded classic Turki nuance Islami, unite with roman influence ancient, present different amosfir.
In area that also known as this Turkish Quarter located exalted mosque Begova that have beautiful garden and few leaves only grove mostly its age has reached hundreds of year that is one of city landmark that [is] obliged to input into visit you agenda .

Something else that may not passed is taste specific food local so-called cevapi and burek. Cevapi is kebabs beef that already diasap and cut lengthes, presented [together/ along] with bread burns in form of domed that has been gathered with multifarious mace. Meanwhile burek are made of pastry like croissant that in its centre part are filled with roast and tomato sawed up. Meanwhile, in its exterior is smeared with liquid cheese that have the aroma of specific. Second this food can be obtained/got with price is not more than 50 cents US dollar. Cheap very, not?
Bosnia Herzegovina Tourism