George Bush, Bill Clinton & Barack Obama for haitian

George Bush, Bill Clinton & Barack Obama for haitian

Former President [the] United States (THE UNITED STATES) former Bill Clinton and George W Bush states its readiness to help earthquake victim in haitian. Second former President this superpower country asked helped by President THE UNITED STATES at this time Barack Obama.

"Conveniently us accept request from Obama. We will lead effort penggalangan fund," say second Mantan people Nomor 1 in THE UNITED STATES are referred [as] in its attitude statement like borrowed ideas from situs AFP, Sunday (17/1/2009).

Second former this president directly conducts action listen carefullies by undertaking penggalangan fund to help cure process pascagempa in haitian.

"Today and next week we will give attention to look after fund from citizen America and entrepreneur to helps haitian society that fall victim to earthquake," tambahnya.

As [the] attention evidence THE UNITED STATES to help haitian, on that day also America sends Minister for Foreign Affairs Hillary Clinton to Port-au-Prince, Capital of haitian. America promises to improve aid by invite people America gives contribution.

After earthquake 12 last Januaries, until now condition in haitian still concerns. Citizen very suffers short commons consequence and beverage. Even they grabbed food of aid moment arrives.

Until now by it self citizen that helped by SEARCH AND RESCUE DISTRESS team still victim searching that buried below/under ruins. They hope there [is] still that can be saved earthquake consequence with power of 7 SKs are referred [as].

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