King of Fighters the Movie

King of Fighters the Movie
Sean Faris as Kyo Kusanagi
Maggie Q as Mai Shiranui
Will Yun Lee as Iori Yagami
Ray Park as Rugal Bernstein
Françoise Yip as Chizuru Kagura
Hiro Kanagawa as Saisyu Kusanagi
David Leitch as Terry Bogard
Sam Hargrave as Ryo Sakazaki
Monique Ganderton as Mature
Bernice Liu as Vice
King of Fighters that lifted from popular game fighting arcade production SNK will be filmed for the first time. Syuting has been started in 27 November 2008 in Vancouver, place syuting favorite filmmaker Hollywood. A number of actor and actresses distinguish for follow share in this film like Sean Faris (Never Back Down), Maggie Q (Live Free and Die Hard), Ray Park (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace), Francoise Yip (Aliens vs. Pin-cushion Predator Requiem), Will Yun Lee (Elektra)and David Leitc. KOF will disutradarai sineas are recognized Hongkong, Experienced Gordon Chan film till action Fist of Legend that stared Jet Li, Beast Cop and The Medallion that stared Jackie Chan.
Teaser poster
The same as with game Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, [the] first KOF multiplies emerge in arcade in 1994 have character that bejibun with style beladiri that different each other. KOF will take story ttg contention competition from various of countries (rather look like Dead or Alive).
Sean Faris as Kyo Kusanagi
Maggie Q as Mai Shiranui
Will Yun Lee as Iori Yagami
Ray Park as Rugal Bernstein
Françoise Yip as Chizuru Kagura
Hiro Kanagawa as Saisyu Kusanagi
David Leitch as Terry Bogard
Sam Hargrave as Ryo Sakazaki
Monique Ganderton as Mature
Bernice Liu as Vice
King of Fighters that lifted from popular game fighting arcade production SNK will be filmed for the first time. Syuting has been started in 27 November 2008 in Vancouver, place syuting favorite filmmaker Hollywood. A number of actor and actresses distinguish for follow share in this film like Sean Faris (Never Back Down), Maggie Q (Live Free and Die Hard), Ray Park (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace), Francoise Yip (Aliens vs. Pin-cushion Predator Requiem), Will Yun Lee (Elektra)and David Leitc. KOF will disutradarai sineas are recognized Hongkong, Experienced Gordon Chan film till action Fist of Legend that stared Jet Li, Beast Cop and The Medallion that stared Jackie Chan.
Teaser poster
The same as with game Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, [the] first KOF multiplies emerge in arcade in 1994 have character that bejibun with style beladiri that different each other. KOF will take story ttg contention competition from various of countries (rather look like Dead or Alive).