Last Night (2010)

Last Night (2010)
Director: Massy Tadjedin
Cast: Keira Knightley, Eva Mendes, Sam Worthington, Guillaume Canet, Stephanie Romanov
Distributor: Miramax
Release date: March 19, 2010
Semenjak early its apparition, Keira Knightley has been predicted will become a big actress. That proven by acting consecution make surprise that he/she present. Even, pass Pride and Prejudice, menyabet success he/she nomination Best Actress was in arena Academy Awards a few years ago.
For in 2010 the coming, likely devotees film will growing often see beautiful face actress comes [from] this UK. Its film Consecution at this time is being in phase post-production, entered [the] following film. Last Night.
Last Night is a drama film that tell hit a couple of wife husbands Michael and Joanna Reed (Worthington-Knightley). A/an night, Michael must leaves better half for the sake of business with partner its business, Laura (Mendes). On the way referred [as], Michael must faces its liver obsession, where he/she feels interested to Laura. When in common, Joanna meets return with former its lover, Alex (Canet) and must challenge in common. Try to stick by couple each.
This Film is by it self written and disutradarai by Massy Tadjedin. Besides Knightley, this film also will present acting from actor Sam Worthington, Eva Mendes and actor comes [from] french, Guillaume Canet.