Many acounts 'Zombie' in Twitter

Many acounts 'Zombie' in Twitter

User Amount situs mikroblogging Twitter [it is true] continued increase. Even now its user amount has reached 75 million. Nevertheless, in the reality many akuns in Twitter that likely become zombie, reluctant life dies even also do not willing to. Acount like this is acoubt that let its owner.

This condition are expressed from research result that conducted RJMetrics Inc. From research referred [as] express that growth rate of user amount Twitter not as high as some times last.

Twitter new top of user growth happens July ago, namely as high as 7,8 million per month. Meanwhile now, its growth downwardses around 6,2 million every month.

"When you see registration new acount, [it is true] undeniable that its user amount is being increased. Nevertheless, when we cermati, its growth rate downhill and much new users that let unifinished acount," express Robert J. Moore, CEO and founder of RJMetrics,

This means much new users that merely enlist, but inactive send tweet or conduct other activity. The average of amount follower-nya even also a few/little, namely 27 people, may even exist that not have follower at all. Meanwhile user amount active Twitter around 10-15 million people.

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