Windows 8 will be release in July 2011?
Windows 8 will be release in July 2011?

issue that mention Microsoft in the middle of preparing Windows 8 soon, little by little opened next.
Previously, a Microsoft employees without intentionally leak newest operating system is referred [as] in internet, this innings former employees in company is referred [as] confess know when router Windows 7 this will be produced.
A man that claim ever work for Microsoft since January mid unfold in its blog, that Windows 8 will immediately produced. Man called Chris Green referred [as], mention Windows 8 will dirilis for produced (RTM) in 1 July 2011. also prediction Office 2012 and Windows Server 2012 also will in RTM at July 2012.
Darling, green shy at to mention specifically like what 'face' Windows 8 this. Like forwarded Internet News, Friday (29/1/2010), Hijau also not give comment to a number of journalists that wish know Windows 8 farther, pass by email that intentionally mentioned in its blog.
When confirmed to center Microsoft, they emphatically argue if software their newest Windows called Windows 8, and will be produced start next year. They also claim do not know former its employees that called Green referred [as].
Previously, Microsoft employees called Robert Morgan not intentionally write down plan company that will release Windows 8. He write down it in profile column in situs business network Linkedln. Morgan that hold Sen. position Research and Development write downs, if he/she works in research department and development by high security level for long-range and middle project.
Carelessly Morgan write downs is doing project Windows 8 and berencana make Windows 9. In profile is referred [as] also written "Kernel Windows 8 compatible with architecture 128-bit and Windows 9"