Osama new face

Bureau Investigasi Federal (FBI) release Osama bin Laden newest photo. In digital picture of engineering result referred [as], bin Laden are seen older than last moment seen at September 2007.
FBI makes two pictures bin Laden. At first picture, seen bin Laden with white clothes his/her the usual length imposes. Meanwhile draw second, bin Laden uses white shirt. Beard that become features bin Laden 'shaved' draw this.
Face Hue bin Laden in this pictures are seen paler and dark. Length Poleness emerges in its eyebrow part and cheek. Grey Colour hair and beard bin Laden also increase. The end of one who eye is most looked for government [the] United States (THE UNITED STATES) this even also start go down.
Result Image process digital this made forensic artist FBI to facilitate leader seeking al Qaida is referred [as]. "We wish this pictures can help someone recognizes accused this terrorist and contact security government officer," Asisten Director of Direktorat Informasi and Analisis Ancaman Keamanan, Robert Eckert like written laman Times Online.
Last Bin Laden are seen in video 30 minute, 2007 last. At that time, beard bin Laden is seen nattier than its appearance at 2004. He imposes sorban and white gamis.
In video that, bin Laden tells THE UNITED STATES authorize to president George Walker Bush, that has entered second tenure, to continue murder in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bin Laden also states THE UNITED STATES not gets the whip hand of war in Iraq.