Sauna - A Finnish psychological horror in the vein of The Virgin Spring & Insomnia

A Finnish psychological horror in the vein of The Virgin Spring & Insomnia
A Finnish psychological horror in the vein of The Virgin Spring & Insomnia
Produced by : Jesse Fryckman
Written by : Iiro Kutner
Directed by : Antti-Jussi Anilla
Tommi Eronen
Ville Vertanen
Viktor Klimenko
Rain Tolk
Kari Ketonen
Story this supernatural takes setting in century 16th where two sister people Erik & Knut a young girl in a way that very cruel. Their that Semenjak are haunted this girl late that always emerge with clutter up with face (filth) likely want to vengeance. That late Existance their terror, any their conduct to secede from that fear, till finally they find an old sauna in a countryside, that trusted can abolish all sinses.
Terror to terror more and more tear liver two that, until they set mind on 'wash sin' they in sauna. But who did assume that sauna is referred [as] not sin place where can be extinct, but also is duskiest place in the world, where pardon and expectation sirna
Enjoy AJ Anilla second masterpiece after Jade Warrior, we must exclude for a moment formula horror where there is lunatic mengejar-ngejar victim with sharp equipments. 'Sauna' bring figures in it runs avoid fear source that will not lose anywhere they go : feel guilty themselves. Depicted pass matt but beautiful cinematography and with editing not linear but menyulut tinder have cold feets by stabilize, this film [it is true] a few/little require concentration for digested, but slow and sure make scruff fur scaring
Story Spore Erikk and Knut as [the] soldier and map maker that since a beginning story has accounted 'big sin' and then haunted by personifikasi their sin good match for their situation, that is make a map of border. Pass Anilla this symbol like depict that 'sin' is not can be limited, even in when war although. And when Erikk and Knut feels worn-out pursued sin and ready for bleach their burden in the countryside outlying with a mysterious sauna, they realize that as ekor that not lose, burden itupun continues follow them and one by one start abstract people soul around they. Happy ending not available to them, and story climax even also cleverly walk good match for image-image at the beginning of film.
As a horor that full [of] idea and symbolizing, 'Sauna' more or less remind at film 'The Others','Seraphim Falls' and 'The Virgin Spring'. Pattern penuturan that not linear till akhirpun in a flash reminds at 'Insomnia'its Erik Skjoldbjaerg, be next di-remake by Chris Nolan.
Finally, this film forces us make conclusion by it self about message that wish [submitted/sent]. But one of the capturer theme, that feel guilty as dirt in liver that will never washable off hand, really make......