CEO Google merges into Twitter

CEO Google merges into Twitter

Washington,- Head Eksekutif (CEO) Google Eric Schmidt, that early this year rain mention Twitter as "system of pauper property email", has joined to micro network blog that that menanjak.

Schmidt "chirp" (tweeting) below/under akun @ericschmidt, word [of] a mouthpiece Twitter order Twitter, Monday, as the same manner as borrowed ideas from AFP.

Akun CEO that Google are activated start 1 December.

Schmidt has sent two "tweets", one of them linked with an opinion was that he/she wrote last week in The Wall Street Journal, and muster can be 7.500 followers in less [in] one week.

Schmidt has conducted insult utterance about Twitter have conference Teknologi Morgan Stabnley in San Francisco at March, later immediately invert its utterance that in comment hereinafter, by saying: "We admire Twitter."

"We think Twitter have conducted very nice [job/activity] by make the point new totally to communicate," he/she said.

Potency Twitter was as [the] instant searcher machine has emerged speculation that Google maybe interest buy that company.

Twitter that make users its can rain message with 140 characters or less, has shew its popularity gambol since launched at August 2006

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