Google Wish Help Observe Forest Whole world

Google Wish Help Observe Forest Whole world

Google at Thursday launch a conducive tool scientists and environment advocate use Internet to care of an eye at what remained from forest on earth.

"We wish this technology will help desist ruination from disappear it forest quickly in the world," Rebecca Moore and Amy Luers from arm unit filantropis internet giant THE UNITED STATES tells in a blog, as the same manner as borrowed ideas from AFP.

This Technology enables scientist of image raw data analysis satellite and mengekstrak information like location and measurement deforestasi or even forest regeneration.

Tuan rumah (host) System in "cloud" Google, company of Internet technology that linked data center, and had potency to express in seconds when forest is being cut away, burned or dibuldoser.

"Can detect quicker illegal logging activity can help support straightening of local law and prevent the happening of furthermore deforestasi," write Moore and Luers.

Emission from tropical deforestasi in proportion to emission [of] all European Unions, and bigger than all cars, truck, plane, ship and train around the world.

Google shows a prototype from technology at consultation of PBB climate in Kopenhagen.

System of forest detection is being tested by a small group from Google partner and to be available as [the] non profit service, according to Moore and Luers.(*)

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