Why Earthquake haitian kill So much people

Why Earthquake haitian kill So much people

There is valuable lesson from Earthquake haitian of why that disaster generates much victims and create damage the most awful. Weekly New Scientist answers reason to the number of falls that victim in one article its rising in 19 January 2009.

Earthquake that shook last week haitian is depicted by (UN) as [the] human crisis most worst in a few decade, with estimate of victim amount pass away between 50.000 till 200.000 people.

UN knows to the number of fall victim in haitian because earthquake dash against capital of over populated until complicate movement [of] much institutes that work for penanggulangan disaster.

Whereas geologists that converse to New Scientist express other reasons why Earthquake haiti so awful and remind that convulsion more awful will immediately catch up, because have not yet all energies hidden earthquake is freed in that tragedy.

First, earthquake happens in episentrum skin-deep until not give enough time to warn resident in order to exit from building. This differ from earthquake that episentrumnya in.

Second, Port au price built is not above reef but on the ground hard that bog down so there is convulsion.

Last, building standar unable to arrest/detains excitement earthquake.

If same earthquake befalls California, then victim amount most certainly will be lower. "Better building Construction will save much human souls," Chuck DeMets, geology expert tektonik from Wisconsin-Madison University.

Story two earthquakes

Range from to Comparison two as like as two peas [the] following earthquakes one another can strengthen claim that Chuck DeMets.

Second that as like as two peas earthquake together happens in area over populated, nevertheless victim that generated far cry earthquake one another.

At 1988, earthquake 6,9 scales Richter that shake Spitak in Armenia snatch 25.000 souls. On the contrary, earthquake with power of 7,1 scales Richter that shake Loma Prieta in California at 1989 "only" swallow 63 people of soul victim.

"Difference in number disaster victim shows physical plant men-standar-kan (anti earthquake) high can save much people souls," DeMets.

Peripatetic level Physical plant can be all proven Port-au-Princes became lethal trap when earthquake punch.

"That level Physical plant brittle and not have pliability, causing calamity when shaken earthquake," Ian Mai, seismolog from Edinburgh University, UK.

And hards that calamity by episentrum earthquake that skin-deep.

"At earthquake with episentrum in, [the] first emerging is main wave, and give you a few/little warnings before later, fault wave (that shake earth @s surface from side to side) catch up," Uri ten Brink, Caribbean earthquake expert from Survey Geologi THE UNITED STATES in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

At Earthquake haiti, episentrum earthquake so close to earth @s surface until wave main and fault wave happens can be at the same time.

Design in order to safe

Thus, model building how that can arrest/detain convulsion like that?

"Engineers uses more flexible matter with installed capacity that can menyerap damage, like kap car machine the present day that designed can be folded until its interior remain to be intact," clear Main.

"This maybe entered elementary insulation schock-reducer in first floor, to help arrest/detain or dynamic minimization of fault wave and movement that twirl."

Usual physical plant Adjustment in order to strong earthquake is expensive, nevertheless found strong new building earthquake is not expensive.

"Earthquake strong Building requires building significant that rather more and take time design that a few/little longer, nevertheless that buildings not more expensive than usual building," Main.

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