Ewan McGregor robs banks for Carey Mulligan in The Electric Slide (2011)

Ewan McGregor robs banks for Carey Mulligan in The Electric Slide (2011)

Produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Eric Eisner, Christine Vachon
Written by Tristan Patterson, based on Timothy Ford article
Directed by Tristan Patterson


Ewan McGregor
Carey Mulligan

Premisnya between 'Bonnie & Clyde' and 'Catch Me If You Can'.. Story that heard so bizzare this diinspirasi by reality occurence in 1980'an... Eddie Dodson (Ewan McGregor) is boutique owner for super community elite in Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. To draw attention its girlfriend (Carey Mulligan), Dodson robs a bank, and succeed get away from FBI capture. Serunya, after once succeed rob, Addictive Dodson and continue new hobby its... till 72 times.

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