Haitian People Blokir Street with dead body

Port-au-Prince pin-cushion Situasi in haiti after earthquake really grievous. Up to now much haitian citizens that have not yet getting the aid at all. Slowgoing its aid makes angry haitian people.

Angry Saking its, they black out street as [the] protest to the delay referred [as]. Nevertheless horrible, mass uses dead bodys of earthquake victim to black out street!

During penuturan eyewitness, Shaul Schwarz, photographer for magazine TIME. He sees at least two street blockades center city Port-au-Prince that formed from heap of victim dead bodys and stones.

"They start black out take the air with corpses," Schwarz like forwarded daily News.com.au, Friday (15/1/2010).

"Situation becoming deteriorates here, sulky people because not get aid," imbuhnya.

Foray actions in stores also take its rises in Port-au-Prince, capital of haitian. A group of man bersenjatakan big knife gallivantes in Port-au-Prince to take force any goods that can they bring. Chaos is seen in some locations in capital of.

Next to nothing marking of authority existence in capital of. "Nothing a even also uniformed, nothing that give command," say reporter Fox News, Steve Harrigan.

The of, so far saving operation is only "haitian citizen helps haitian citizen". International Aid have not yet to citizen.

Hundreds of thousand people are felt concerned about defeat earthquake consequence with power of 7 Skala Richters that shake haitian. This is earthquake most awful in that impecunious country in range of time 200 year.

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