The Way Back (2010)

The Way Back (2010)
Director: Peter Weir
Cast: Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan, Mark Strong, Gustaf Skarsgård
Studio: ABC Pictures
Release date: 2010
Colin Farrell as Valka, a tough, tattooed Russian inmate.
Ed Harris as Mr. Smith, an American inmate.
Jim Sturgess as Janusz, a young Polish inmate.
Saoirse Ronan as Irena, a young Russian on the run who meets up with the fugitives.
Mark Strong as Khabarov
Gustaf Skarsgård as Voss.
From stage manager The Truman Show, The Way Back will become Peter Weir first film after seven year last films its, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, dirilis. This Film script by it self is adaptation from life story Slavomir Rawicz, a soldier the seizeer Poland by soviet team nevertheless succeed run away.
The Way Back by it self tells hit 7 soldier people the seizeer Poland by team Jerman-Soviet after they rush in to Poland region. In strong in worker champ in Siberia, they finally succeed run away by get through various of countries till finally they reach India.
Besides disutradarai by Peter Weir, this film will present performa from actors unggulan like Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan and Mark Strong.