Badness Modus passes media social website

Badness Modus passes media social website

Potency of internet badness more and more mounts by more and more to the number of acsess internet, especially with smart telephone utilization that day after day its price and tariff becoming reached.

And bases "cybercrime" forwards even also will change over to social web by more and more to the number of user social web like Facebook, Twitter etc.

In note, mentioned over and over Indonesia resides in position four worlds with 14,6 million users, temporary for user Twitter amounts to 5,6 million and it is at sixth position in the world.

From last case, Febriari alias Ari is anticipated conduct abduction to girl underage Marieta Nova Triani by using media social web Facebook. Previously, some times last, Facebook are also used as means to conduct transaction seks.
Badness Modus is referred [as] added deret moduses of internet badness pass by jejaring social that happened in fatherland. As for badness moduses bases on jejaring social that attend in advance for example aspersion/insult, deception, online gambling advertisement and also pornography and online pornoaksi.

As [the] communication media, internet with jejaring its social, will not be able to have the character of neutral. Nevertheless, as [the] double-edged knife, negative impact can happen. Because if converse internet, all in once over there, and can all happened over there.

Iiberation Graving dock Prita Mulyasari is conducted pass by Facebook following support Koin Keadilan-nya, iiberation and cure of head position KPK Bibit-Chandra are also cared pass by media jejaring social. So much positive discussion, ketersambungan string old ones silaturahmi is broken and also democracy 2.0 that happened pass by social web

Nevertheless, negative excess are will never obviated. Luna Maya stumbles words that the of pass by Twitter. As [the] note, badness pass by jejaring social is not matter new, but traditional badness transformation to base on Information Technology and communication, and also extension from the usage of internet.

Like abduction that is traditional badness, that its acquaintanceship forum now passed by jejaring social. Prostitution pass by socialwebs also is transaction change seks traditionally and extension from facility chatting, info that circulate in mailing list (milis)

Same thing also related to online deception and also pass by jejaring social. Nevertheless because can more man-to-man, deception can be bigger the impact because friendship characteristic nearer just than send email spam, and datas that also can be more misused by irresponsible parties.

Then what that can in make? Clear, like or bad blood, UU Informasi and Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) No. 11/2008 real have protected society from badness that base on Information Technology like gambling, aspersion/insult, payload that impinge ethics and also extortion/pengancaman.

In other hand, other thing of interest is exploit user socialwebs it self. Because, even technological have the character of neutral, jejaring social can become double-edged knife. Can be exploited in improving active role society in course of democracy and offer various of constructive services, but also can have the character of destroy.

Because used for criminality, user jejaring social that still laymen must diberdayakan in order not to draw fire soft internet criminal. Because have the character of anonimous, shall don't trust off hand with gender and also datas certain from one who wish pal up with us.

Our datas even also must taken care of not all opened and can be accessed everybody. One who Invitation just is recognized shall ascertained first one who whom invites, its background, its target and its miscellaneous in order to we not fall victim to badness like deception and also abduction.

More than anything else now schoolchildren even also has been joined also in media socialwebs, truthfully not allowed.

that badness happens caused by perpetrator intention and opportunity. Until, don't give criminal opportunity to deceive, kidnap and others that use media jejaring social. Allert and socialwebs in smart.

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