Korea Populer BECAUSE OF Drama and Natural beauty TOURISM

COMPARED TO Asia countries other, Korea, China, and Japan haves separate uniqueness. They very stick with east culture that adiluhung. Nevertheless, when that at the same time, they also can become leading-edge for technology problem.
It is not chance also if all three is favorite destination in Asian area for year-end vacation. Korea the example, in the last year, foreign tourist amount to Korea in 2007 67.000. Incoming Tourist most of South-East Asia, specially Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Mentioned also in that, tourist amount from Indonesia level [of] 7,3 percents.
Height of tourist amount in Indonesia not just happened. Country this gingseng growing chummy with us blessing aid of series drama Korea that wara-wiri in national TV station. In other hand, Korea also ever becomes host Piala Dunia 2002. From sinilah, much tourists are moved to come there. Nami Island is one of location TOURISM in Korea that lifted blessing series drama that booming in our country, namely Winter Sonata.
If we like to will recognize deeper next hit Korea,You must come to National Folk Museum. This Place in the reality resides in in Istana Gyeongbok and also nearby Blue House, office of south korea president.
Located in wide palace page, National Folk Museum is not only provided with display in room, also provide external display room, entered special section for children.
In front of museum, You can by engross witness show [of] soldiers empire have the clothes of red, like moment Anda witnesses series drama Jang Dang Geum. Gyeongbok Palace are may not passed off hand.
Palace that built at a period of Dinasti Joseon in 1934 this, You can fringe one by one building. For example princess room, king cubicle, till workroom and belajarnya. So, if Anda hankers see keeksotisan Korea, this country competent enter list TOURISM year-end vacation.