EUROPEAN like formed to make surprise world eye. Europe not only identik by modernization, but also have various of locations very beautiful TOURISM.
Begin at that have view that amaze and unique, historic, till place that assumed holy. For devotee shopping, Europe may is oasis to carry goods with oblique price. There are some country in interesting Europe for visited. One of them is Turki.
You of course have knew if Turki is country that located in between Asian continent and Africa. Turki maybe precise made as [the] target country TOURISM. Begin at TOURISM coast, beautiful island, physical plant, till ommission have the historic cost of high existed in this country. In other word, every area in Turki have separate uniqueness.
City Izmir, for example. In city biggest this country, many existed coast beautiful nan. It is not strange if this area became target turis when reside in Turki. Like city other TOURISM, here also much lodgings that its price vary start USD50 till USD100 every night. Tourists also can fringe every street in city this by fumble kocek USD200 to rent car.
Nevertheless, that may not Anda passing is fringes Terusan Bosphorus or so-called Bosphorus Cruise. With ticket at the price of seven iira;lyres, visitor can fringe connective canal dead sea and Sea of Marmara referred [as].
This by using ship 1.500 passengers during go through 1,5 hour.
During journey, traveller is pampered with historic building beauty alongside canal. For example, Galasa Tower that used [by] pendatang Jenewa to observe their ships. Tourist also can see Istana Dolmabache in the distance. This Palace is place wafatnya warrior Turki called Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1938.
Divided Ship becomes three this decks will pass by quickly below/under Jembatan Bosphorus that built at 1973. This Bridge connects Asian side and side Europe. Turki located in continent both sides referred [as]. Ada also Kuleli Military High School or Militer College Turki that used [by] at era Kerajaan Ottoman.
This Bosphorus Cruise ends in Pelabuhan Rumeli. This means visitor has entered Istanbul east side. Around this port a lot of restaurant that set the table specific Turki. Tourist can enjoy food is at the same time accompanied set breeze bellows.
To all tourist that fond of go shopping can visit eldest mall in Istanbul, that is Akmerkez. Traveller also can stop by in Kanyon that is newest expenditure place in city this. Various of goodses from brand recognized in the world of got in mall that have this unique architecture.
Every weekend, Frequent Canyon invitors musicians andal in Istanbul to amuse visitor. Ada also biggest mall in Europe, namely Cevahir. Even, since 2005 this buildings are specified as [the] biggest mall in the world.
Traditional Market in Istanbul or recognized by the name of Spice Market also can become alternative of shop place for tourist. In market that stand up since 1664 this, we can buy suvenir and Turki specific food. Kinds of mace also can be bought in this market. Mace in Spice Market is very recognized in Turki. Its section, almost all foods in roll in riches Turki with mace taste.
Meanwhile, Grand Bazaar is biggest and eldest market in Istanbul since era Kerajaan Ottoman. This Market offers many textile product, ornament, and suvenir that can be carried visitor.