South korea TECHNOLOGY is growing recognized world. Its production Film is also turned around everywhere. Its tourism even also growing popular, Seoul harmonisasi [the] past and modern.
Seoul is capital city of south korea Republic also city metropolitan that located in northwest korea peninsula. Electronic Industry, automotif, film till promotion wisata Korea sharp level from year to year. Seoul becomes government quarter capital city since Dinasti Joseon. Korea historic Ommission since yore can be annihilate entirely because colonization Japan.
Existence of war, history Korea can be told cloud over. Nevertheless, this ginseng producing country is not trapped at [the] past. Modern skyscraper buildings boosts high, its obstinacy continues developed and its film industry merambah all Asias, even Europe. All of that sit side by side harmonious with ancient building made everlasting, like palaces, fortresses, and old world temples in city metropolitan frenzied Seoul.
Journey [go] toes Seoul is must gone through for seven hour from Jakarta by using Korean Airlines. We will land in Incheon International Airport, international airport modern that built special in rock far from downtown. A few moments before land, as usual, pilot had advised that we will land a few moments again. Time at the time shows at 07.00.
That seen from the air before land, is area small that is rock stones on the high seas. Hereinafter, plane starts low and finally land in airport base, that it's seems [it is true] reside in sea front, that is medial coral island are referred [as]. Before we exit from plane, impressed Bandara Incheon is luxuriant airport, bussy, and multitude is fulfilled plane passenger.
Architecture Incheon very futuristik and serbacanggih. Can be all walls that dissociate exterior, and every room dissociated strong transparent glasses. Supporter Medium like escalator, free mineral water, mall, restaurant, special room cigarette, and other facility available jolly good. Transportation [go] toes Seoul is equiped variated, from cheapest till luxuriant.
For mass transportation train and bus dirt cheap send us to downtown. Cab even also varies, normal tariff with fair colour till black and chromatic limousine cab. Uniqueness that seen in this country when we paid attention highway that passed by vehicle. All vehicles that operate its model not similar to habit in Indonesia.
Unseen cars Japan get throughs public road Korea. Government prohibits its citizen to use vehicle besides brand Korea, specially brand Japan. This is way Korea mount the thrones in country its by it self. I use easy and balmy bus transportation to send to hotel in Seoul.
System of bus transportation has been arranged natty that equiped global positioning system (GPS), until its movement can control solid street condition or that walk with shaki body. Buses that operate also seen new with brand Korea, ready to send passenger to all pelosoks city. Incheon is city at the edge of coast around two hour from Seoul.
Along the way seen Bandara Incheon are turned into modern city. Though, before now this is coral island that spreaded out in coastal area of korea peninsula coast. I pass wide highway, fine, and balmy pass tens of unique bridge construction, either its form or colour are combined with tunnel;cutting that penetrate green hills.
After pass freeway, marking has entered Seoul is seen with structured skyscraper physical plant natty among hills that carpeted afar. Workdload all the way designate Seoul as [the] business center that gone to investors. Resident Seoul around 15 million souls, more than Jakarta, but not seen kesemrawutan, because its society activity a large part of subterranean or its favorite transportation, subway.
City Seoul is split Sungai Han, with wide 400 metres more. To support solid metropolitan city workdload, above Sungai Han are existed not less 27 bridges with various of designs for highway, train, and special for pedestrian.
Busway also is avaliable at Seoul, but without constrictor all the way its capital city of operational place. Similar Rapid train in Japan or in Europe, also seen pass by quickly quick. In Seoul, whose name is Express KTX, that its form like plane.
Spandrel Namdaemun
In the middle of downtown Seoul,there is a Korea traditional building two floors that stand up strong in main road crossroad. In consequence,, whoever that by the way of main in Seoul will witness spandrel pride is referred [as] that contrast with modern physical plant that encircle it.
Spandrel Namdaemun whose name is, that mean East Gerbang Besar, made thousands of last year as [the] east symbol of empire gateway. Atmosphere around spandrel Namdaemun look likes monument Arc de Triomphe in Paris, that reside in edge of street Avenue des Champs Elysees.
[several] turises frequently gather perceive historic building uniqueness are referred [as], while rider at [street] rotatory circuit spandrel pay attentions bustle or usual without expression. This Spandrel last year burned, until government Korea must develop it returns in order to downtown symbol this Seoul is fixed defended the existance.
Gyeongbok Palace
GYEONGBOK is palace that located in northside Seoul. Palace this is the biggest and most beautiful palace in Seoul that opened generically. To [go] to palace is needed sufficient because its position [it is true] out city.
This Palace growing beautiful seen because located in hilly Bukhansan that become its background. When I visit Istana Gyeongbok am going down heavy rains, until complicate to go around outside palace. There is 10 main buildings that disseminated interspersed with garden that taken care of until refresh. In it existed Museum Nasional Rakyat Korea, with traditional building specific Korea that floor five.
Can be at any given angle;corner of building main gate is existed dressy palace custodian Korea traditional war. This Palace symbol of empire supremacy and people Korea, at building the core important existed room Takhta Raja. Meanwhile palace interior, there is lotus pool bertiangkan tens of granite bollard. Visit this palace, our mind will be brought to society living condition Korea at old world.
Empire Emperor Korea at the time conducts important activities hits government business in Istana Gyeongbok, like accept foreign courier, run conference, and religious ritual-ritual till emperor enthronement, also conducted here. That thing seen from pictures and photos that dipajang in palace wall.
Rear palace existed garden is called Amisan, that decorated traditional stone formation and beautiful garden carpet. Because rain still mengguyur, finally I return to bus to continue visit wisata to other location.
The Seoul Olympic Park
SEOUL OLYMPIC PARK is one of location modern wisata that existed in Seoul. Areal for the width of 2000 this hektares are built special to greet Olympic Games management Seoul 1988.
There is some sport facilities have the level of international in complex this; swim stadium is closed, tennis stadium, stadium budgets, gymnastic stadium, hotel atlet Parktel star five, and KONI-nya office Korea. Supporting Facility other is Museum Olympic and Museum Arts, Seoul Sport University, Fortress Mongchon,World Peace Gate, lake and art garden carve Symbol Olympiade 1988.
Half from areal Olympic Park encircled Sungai Han, and some of other by highway Songpa-Gu with wide and balmy pavement for pedestrian. During in Seoul, I lodge in Hotel Parktel with view to Olympic Park.
Everyday Olympic Park modern building view is decorated forest greenness Olympic, lake, and its background hills became eating all the times. Atmosphere is referred [as] growing life with to the number of citizen Seoul that do physical exercise since morning till evening.
If we trace all pelosoks Olympic gardens Park, like not in city metropolitan, because few leaves only grove till to hills close all sights. Not to mention garden view beside river or its lake by ear water flows. Entirely serve balmy atmosphere,clean,and asri. Small Pendapa-pendapa with specific roof traditional Korea decorates Olympic Park that fulfilled visitor that wish easy going.
Show the rising generation in Seoul, also exploit all its activity in garden that provide facility this serbalengkap. Pride World Peace Gate as [the] main gate Olympic Park that located in intersecting street Songpa-Gu,if perceived have some uniquenesses. Building that have the shape of monument with high 24 metres, length 62 metres, and wide 37 metres are made of strong steel framework.
Winged monument Structure means generate supremacy and this keindahan.Tugu width look likes curved wing that its wall portray a matter of unique and contain high paint work of art. Painting is referred [as] solidarity of fragon picture, bird phoenix, tiger, and tortoise.
AT my second day in Korea, just with Friday, where usual execute religious service salat in mosque. Initialy not thought will get mosque that carry out salat is referred [as].
When talk to some citizens Korea,they submit information that existed Islamic Center in area Itaewon. This Area is usual foreigner place residence, variated ethnical seen interact with citizen Korea, especially soldier [the] United States.
Itaewon are recognized much stores cenderamata and store that sell many everyday need from various of countries, entered Indonesia. Indonesia specific Cookery can we meet in one of hilly area restaurant this.
Seoul Central Mosque located in here, at location above hilly. Journey [go] toes Itaewon very difficult by bus, specially for new comer like I. In consequence,, we berempat moslem citizen from pakistan, Egypt, and Turki go ups cab for salat Friday in Itaewon. There is interesting experience that we get with cab driver in city this.
In the middle of journey, the driver that is not fluent English-speaking, request permit going to toilet. We berempat please, but good its we in cab [only]. Citizen Sincerity Korea is seen from attitude of cab driver that trust us are lived in cab with aflame machine during more or less five minute. He/she was even also easy going without worryed when return send us to Islamic Center.
Before arrive at location, has shew citizen of clan moslem Arab, Malay, and Africa in large numbers for, rub up against citizen Korea in common once not seen going to mosque. After ride up Islamic Center, we rush about [go] to place berwudu in interior. Salat pilgrim is started, sermon are led a clan imam Arab.
Language UK be that of sermon deliverer is alternated Alquran holy verse, and old sermon around 40 minute. After finish salat in floor two mosques, seen view Kota Seoul, River Han, and hilly area that encircle this city.
In car park, mosque organizer gives bread rasher with [in] one milk box for all pilgrims that will leave mosque. At the time, I meet worker and student Indonesia that intentionally to Itaewon to execute salat.Tak far from Itaewon, seen high Seoul Tower boosts above hilly.