1. Citizan Kane (1941).
This is film that assumed most revolutionary in history of world film.
”Citizen Kane” disutradarai also played the part of by genius youngster called Orson Wells, that just have an age 25 years olds (and will not (yet) make film previously).
”Kane” tell life [of] journey a konglomerat super media rich, Charles Foster Kane. Life in Xanadu, giant palace at the top more luxury hill and luxuriant from kings palace although (complete with zoo contains elephant and aquarium contains baby-abdominal belt), but something till now lose in burning its.
His/her small Time impecunious life, but he/she live it up it. More than anything else his/her moment of snow season can fiddle around with board seluncur kesayangannya. His/her adult Moment struggles in media industry, and outstanding success, even he/she starts have political strength.
But there is a matter of likely never and will never he/she gets, real bliss. Growing he/she runs pursue it, growing far he/she darinya. This not only Citizen Kane big mystery, but burning mystery mankind all of us.
This Film is told in flashback, and at the beginning of film, Kane that dying in its palace whispers a word with lirih, ”Rosebud”. This is this key of film mystery, a matter of lose from someone life that have segala-galanya.
(Citizen Kane like classic music. Everybody confess it as mahakarya, but not all people must take a fancy to it or comprehend it).
2. Shawshank Redemption (1994).

Andy Dufresne
If polling are based pure to the audience opinion, this is its champion. In popular poll ”IMDb” that assumed most deputize public opinion, this film becomes first one defeats 250 best filmses other. 2-its Number is ”The Godfather”.
3. Seven Samurai (1954).
Masterwork spectacular Akira Kurosawa even influence biggest stage managers other, like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Scorsese. And the works of its the best is ”Seven Samurai”.
Its story a countryside farmer is often visited unrighteous robber horde. And they will never do anything. Last the tetua countryside asks its citizen aid searching from samurais in city. Samurais that not as yet common to, strong, but must will be paid cheap because that countryside impecunious. What/wheter maybe?
In the reality, they oppositely/also get 7 best samurais, chevaliers real that will give battle to advocate [the] truth. Seven samurais its each of them have special character.
There is Kambei the coherent leader, Gorobei that arrow champion, Demure Kyuzo but kill, Heihachi that always happy, there is that still young, and there is that madness half but in the reality wisdom, whose name is Kikuchiyo (played the part of Toshiro Mifune, Japan big actor). Very exclaim and please.
4. Schindler’s List (1993).
World War II. How a opportunist entrepreneur, Oscar Schindler, at least have feeling in the world, turn into angel that battle for save its humanity? Salahsatu figure antagonisnya, Amon Goth the heroic Nazi are considered as salahsatu ghastliest character in film history. Salahsatu Spielberg best film.
5. Godfather (1972).

Best mobster Film and most brutal. Extortion, deception, murder, abduction, any conducted to get what wanted, Power upon the whole badness world.
This is story of family life most strongest Mafia unrighteous and very teroganisir, family Corleone. Full [of] intrigue, stratagem, and kill. Characterization the core important for example Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.
Acting Brando as the success Godfather win Oscar and become salahsatu primary ikon in cinema history.
6. 2001 : Space Odyssey (1968).
Metafisikal super Film. About human, progress, and what the end of of all things.
Is being Assumed revolutionary in home age of and even now you will find scenes most spectacular in cinema history.
You can see imaginary moment where monkeys primitive pertamakalinya see an object that so foreign, like from outside space, that memprovokasi they become creature, and produce ”technology” first. Scene directly hops to space century, in 2001, and we follow on the way space that will amaze with [the] future plane [go] to Space Station 5.
Stanley Kubrik dedicates [the] future fantasy that detail and visionary, even for size now. And of course also spiritual adventure human, from primitive era, a period of external domination space, till finally mankind will ”borned [again]”, as a galactic entity maybe?
7. Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back (1980).

"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father"
Star Wars is serial salahsatu best film in the world, and "Empire” is the best and most provokatif of all things. Endingnya are considered as salahsatu ending the most surprised in film history when Darth Vader tell Luke Skywalker spirit whom that actually.
8. Rocky (1976).
This Academy Awards best Film its story is written by it self by Silvester Stallone. Thus Stallone not simply muscular fight actor big, but also story writer [in] one class Oscar.
Story [of] a underdog that always draw, someone that never reckoned, and often trifled. Rocky, the boxer amatiran from a small city of wish trial and error defeats titleholder of world fist? It's likely not possible. But he/she chance upons once for a lifetime, and struggle so ossify its till its strength fold duplicate.
(Artifact "Rocky" that make the its writer this becomes star is written in just 3 day, Empire mag. October 2005)
9. The Lord of The Rings : Fellowship of The Rings (2001).
First Film, and best from series ”The Lords of The Rings”. Its prologue Scene "The Last Alliance of Elves and Men", and when chevaliers reside in deepness Moria and deal with a matter of is there really amazed. This Film makes Peter Jackson, previous almost unknown to, become salahsatu people most have an effect on in equivalent Hollywood Spielberg, Lucas, and Cameron.
10. Lawrence of Arabia (1962).
Steven Spielberg mentions this film as “Miracle”. Masterwork David Lean this is the salahsatu film most heroic in film history that also admired George Lucas and Martin Scorsese.
Lawrence merely young ARMY usual, actually smart, but rather naughty, like act up seenaknya, and oppositely/also like its superior opponent by it self. Its superior fad assign it to Arabia for a duty, or simply want to dissipate it.
Its duty, persuade chieftains Arab to rebel ARMY opponent Turki that much more modern center its strength in Aqaba.
Because sincerity and kenekatannya, Oren (read: Lawrence) become admired and respected people that Arab. He/she finally succeed firm up desert men in power to levy war that assumed impossible won.
(Even Steven Spielberg assumes David Lean is ”The Master”).
If you have watched films above, you maybe will try Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, Battleship Potemkin, The Searchers.
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