area TOURISM that recommended for visited in Indonesia, any?
1. Archipelago Togian is name for archipelago that consist of 56 islands and located in gulf of tomini, in offshore Sulawesi Tengah.
Unhappily this place has been unheard-of by domestic turis.

2. Imagine an orchid forest with more than 45 different specieses size and variety. Place it is one of most beautiful world part with forest conservation that still maiden in it.
3. Hill Bangkirai forest that confessed internationally but has been less recognized by tourist Indonesia.
4. Reside in area Lembah Baliem,Papua, occupied majority by tribe Dani. At location this wisata, not only wisata nature served, but also culture of tribe native people Dani also demonstrate for example tradition of expectation dance, tradition war, till mummyfying (mummy) that admit of seen on-site this.
NB: this place has been resided in Republic of Indonesia, become don't be deceived by to the number of information that mention that this area resides in Nugini Papua west.
5. Beribukota in Medan, this province haves much wisata interesting powers. Start
from Medan city that rich in its [the] past ommission.
Later, interesting power its nature can be visited in area Brastagi. Area mountain have the atmosphere of cold with its natural resources that very recognized by society Indonesia with fruit markisanya. Not far from this place, there is biggest lake in Indonesia that is Danau Toba. Natural resources, culture, and archaeology can be met in lake area that is ex ancient kaldera mount.
Return to lowland area, that is Deli. Is area that produce tobacco for best cheroot packer in the world. Agrowisata in area of tobacco plantation becomes choice interesting wisata on-site this.

6. Area this wisata already many is recognized by society with wisata 'death'its. This condition because of people trust Toraja that every death must pass certain procession, so that soul regains to hereafter quietly. Procession that must passed by referred [as] that is ceremony Rambu Solo.
This Procession becomes wisata interesting power this place. Big Party that can finish wealth from siempunya this intention becomes symbol prestige from society. In consequence,, if they have not yet ready to conducted this ceremony, corpse from someone that die, will not be buried, and has been assumed pain (treated righteously one who above the ground).In other hand, grave from society atypical Toraja, that is reside in cave, bank, and in high tree, also become target wisata 'mystery' with sensation that mendebarkan if you visit this place.

7. Island nicknamed "The Jurassic Park of Indonesia" this have kekayaanfauna endemisnya that is salamander of komodo giant. Anticipated, geology activity that make terisolasinya komodo animal in this island.
Besides wisata fauna, nature in island this komodo haves beauty that amaze. It is not strange if this place enters as [the] finalist 7 miracle of world natures.
NB: for that menstruation is suggested not to visit this place, because komodo can smell blood till distance 1,5 kms!
8. Archipelago Region Raja Ampat, cover more than 9.8 million hectares and located in trilateral world rock, heart terumbu rock of variety world involves, then sea in Raja Ampat have various of most richest specieses in the world.
Beautiful rocks on-site this claimed by foreign turis much more beautiful compared to similar location that weared by setting some films Hollywood in Thailand.

9. Unquestionable , island that located in eastside this Java becomes icon tourism Indonesia. Island with its natural beauty that has been taken care keasriannya, also culture that become nature to every side of citizen life in origin.
10. Is not far from frenzied capital of Jakarta, there is area wisata nature that offer program ekowisata, wisatapengetahuan, and wisata nature, that is island Pramuka. In this quarter existed penangkaran turtle and sea rock. In other hand you can enjoy water sport on-site this, entered meyelam to plant result penagkaran rock on the sea free.
P.s:To the program reason Bersih Teluk Jakarta, then recommend this place as [the] area proper wisata is visited, as [the] parameter of area the importance Jakarta to be able to it-self to become clean until ecosystem in offshore archipelago Jakarta not go bads.

Sebenernya still much places wisata yg can dieksplor farther, yes most this caw become one of vacation recommendation kalo confuses will clear kemana.Yang better explore nusantara first before out country!